Ch. 6, Secrets

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Raine's POV

"Whoo! Today was a busy day." I said to myself as I went to go lock the door. Turning back around to start cleaning up, hear the back door bang open. 'Must be Eda.'

"Eda! You know you don't ne-"

"Raine! We need your help now! Scarlet's healing magic isn't working!" Eda exclaimed running in with Luz passed out in her arms. A large and deep gash across her chest, with scarring on the edges from attempted healing.

"What happened?!" I asked, while frantically calling a healer we could trust. "Come! Place her in the lounge!"

As Eda placed Luz gently on the sofa, in the back, I look and notice that Scarlet was shaking uncontrollably, and there was another kid who looked to be slightly older trying to calm her down.

"Emperor guards is what happened!" Eda exclaimed. "And Carol was leading them!" She turned to me, angry tears threatening to fall.

"Shhh, I have someone coming. She's going to be ok." I wrapped Eda in a hug and held her tight. I've never seen her this emotional before, which now caught me off guard.

A few minutes later, the healer arrived, and immediately cared for Luz. By the time she was done and left, Eda had fallen asleep, and Scarlet had gone for a walk.

The blonde boy, who I now know to be named Hunter, explained everything that happened, from when he ran from the castle, to now.

Looking down to the exhausted which sleeping in my lap, I couldn't help but feel guilty that I hadn't been able to be there to help.

Giving her a gentle kiss on the forhead, I leaned back, and eventually dosed off.

Scarlet's POV

'I couldn't do anything! Why do I have to be so fucking weak! Luz is hurt and I couldn't do shit!'

Negative thoughts coursed through my mind. As I collapse on the forest floor and burst in tears, a wreched pain flew over me.

Luz was now hurt, AGAIN, and I couldn't do anything to prevent it. AGAIN!

I cried until eventually I felt numb, and just sat there. I started thinking about the good memories. From before my parents became jerks, to when Amity, Willow, Gus and I used to be the closest of friends.

'Why did everything have to change? Why did that day have to happen? Why did I go to the knee when mother specifically said not to?'

Standing up, I pulled out a red necklace from under my shirt and pulled it off.

"Come out, I know you're listening." I said coldly into what seemed like nothing. I waited until a voice replied from within.

"Aw! How nice of you to finally let me have some freedom." I voice replied in a chilling way.

"This is all your fucking fault! Ever since you came around everything had been nothing but shit!" I shouted, now full of rage.

"Oh! But its not MY fault. Besides, you don't let me have fun anyway, even though you promised to fulfill your end of the deal!"

"That was years ago! There's no more deal! You did the opposite of what I asked! You made me a monster!" A lump started forming in my throat at the thought.

"But I can't even use these powers anymore. They're yours and yours only. I'm only here to help you learn to control them."

"But you never warned me about how dangerous it was going to be." I said, still angry.

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