Ch 8; A New Truth

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Luz's POV

Scarlet and I stood up quickly at the presence of the two women. They looked at us with kind eyes, but with the way Scarlet tensed up made me immediately not trust them.

"Welcome. We've been awaiting for your return Scarlet." The woman on the right said. She tried reaching out to Scarlet, but she stepped back.

"Why did you bring me back here? Why is Luz here!?" Scarlet exclaimed. She didn't seem happy, and that was understandable considering what she had just explained to me.

"She's here because she's the other chosen one I told you about during your last visit. I thought you'd be happy considering you two are so close." The woman looked at us with calm and caring eyes.

"You know what happened! I don't want Luz to be in danger! For years I have wished I could give these powers back! But no!" Scarlets hands started glowing again and her left eye glowed brown.

At the same time the woman reached out and before I could stop her, grasped Scarlet's hand, her hands and eye immediately went back to normal. For a good minute, we all just stood there. I didn't know rather to punch this woman, or see what Scarlet would do.

Out of no where, Scarlet just hugged the woman. The woman seemed just as surprised as I was. She cautiously returned the hug, and glanced towards the other woman. They both nodded and the other woman came over to me.

"There seems to be a lot of confusion. Do you mind taking a walk with me? Don't worry, she's safe with my sister." She asked with a voice smooth as silk.

I stood there, nothing seemed to be wrong. I didn't even have a bad feeling. I glanced over to Scarlet and the woman embracing her. So much had happened already. The orphanage, meeting Eda, King and Scarlet, Zander, Scarlet's mom, and now this. It seemed like so much has happened in such little time. And for once, it felt like we were both safe.

I turned back to the woman and nodded. She smiled and started walking into a random direction. I started following her, turning around once more before following. For the first 5 minutes we just walked. We walked over a hill, and to a creek. Once we reached the creek, she stopped and knelt down. I continued standing; waiting.

"I know you may be a bit uneasy, considering what you've guys been through." She said, looking over her shoulder to me.

"A little bit. But if Scarlet is OK with you guys, then I'll tolerate it." I took a quick look around. The trees were a foggy pink and purple from top to bottom, and ground a foggy mossy green; the sky was also a foggy blue. The only thing that didn't seem foggy was the water. It was clear and calm.

"Well, there is a lot you should know. I know that Scarlet has already told you about her first visit."

"Yes, she has. But she only mentioned one of you guys. She also mentioned the incident." I sat down, placing my hand in the water. It felt so cool, and, unreal.

"Yes, yes. That's because I was not able to be there. I was still trapped."

"Trapped?" She now had my full attention.

"A long time ago, my sister and I were chosen. Like you and Scarlet. We became the protecters of our home. But one day, something...different, came to our village."

"Define different."

"As in, it didn't belong in this world. We then found out the hard way that not only did we have to protect our village, but the whole 'realm.' Our whole world is based on one realm. And its our duty to protect it." She paused, seeming to drift into thought.

"But, how did you guys get trapped?" I was now more interested, this wasn't like what I've learned before at all.

"After the fight with the 'thing'. Before we destroyed it, it cast a spell, trapping my sister and I until we found new chosen ones. Of course we couldn't just choose anyone, we had to wait to come across the right people."

I looked back at the water and watched it continue to flow effortlessly down the creek bed. "Why us?" I looked back at her, curiosity filling me more and more.

"Because no matter how much you've each been through, you care for the people you love. You learn from others, and you never give up on each other. That's why I want to ask you. Do you except the power I'm going to give you?" She reached out her hand, looking at me with kind eyes.

I hesitated. I thought about what Scarlet told me, but I also thought about how she has been alone for so long with this.

Taking a deep breath, I grasped her hand.

Meanwhile. Scarlet's POV

I hadn't felt so secure in such a long time. Even with Eda, it was like I couldn't get away from anything. And once again, after all these years, I felt safe again.

By the time I had let go of the woman, I noticed Luz was nowhere to be seen., along with the other woman. "Umm, where did they go?"

"They just went for a walk to talk. And I think we should talk as well."

She sat me down and told me about when they were chosen, the fight with the 'thing',  the spell that was cast on them, and why they had chosen Luz and I.

I sat there is silence, just staring at the ground. I had always thought this was some sort of curse, but we were just chosen for something more important then I could comprehend. I started tearing up. I looked back at her.

"I'm sorry. I trapped you again by silencing you and you were just helping me. I'm so so sorry."

"Don't be. My sister and I were pretty pissed about it at first too. So no worries. Just know, we'll help you with your training the best we can."

I smiled at her and hugged her again. "Thank you". As I pulled back I saw the other woman and Luz returning. I quickly got up and ran to them.

"Luz! Are you ok?"

"Ya, not sure if accepting this is the right thing yet, but I'm not ditching you, that's all I gotta say."

I smiled and that was when I noticed that her left eye was the same blue as mine. My smile grew, realizing how connected we had always been.

"Well, I'm afraid our time is up. Just make sure you keep an open ear for us ok?" Both woman gave us bright smiles.

As everything faded away, I couldn't help but feel a wave of relief. 



First, I would like to clear up some things. I apologize for this taking longer then what I said previously. Things started coming up again and I was having a hard time balancing everything. Also, I'm going to try and publish a chapter bi-weekly due to the fact I have "Gang Rivals" to work on as well. 

Also, I can't even comprehend how we got over 1k worth of readers!! Thank you all SO SO much for the support and the patience for "Survivor's" return!!

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter, and will enjoy the many more to come!! Remember, stay kind, stay unique, and I'll see you all in the next chapter!!!  😊

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