Ch. 4, First day

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(Read with caution)

Luz's POV

Today was different. There was a bit of excitement in the air, and both Scarlet and I were preparing for the day to come.

To think a week ago I had wanted to get as far away from this place as possible. Now I was about to attend a magic school.

"Luz! You ready!? We're going to be late!" Scarlet called from downstairs. I quickly grabbed the new bag Eda had got me, and was about to grab my bat, but decided against it.

The past week was actually a lot more fun then I had anticipated it to be. Once Scarlet was feeling better after the encounter with the green haired bitch, we had hung out a lot with Willow and Gus. And whenever we weren't, Scarlet would teach me more about glyphs, and show me more of the Boiling Isles.

With my knowledge of glyphs, I was also able to get into Hexside. Which was one of the schools here in the Boiling Isles.

"You aren't taking your bat?" Scarlet asked as we walked out the door, puzzled.

"Yeah, I don't see the need to, and if anybody messes with us, I still have my fists." I reply while punching the air in front of me.

She giggles into her hand and says, "well, I'm glad your starting to feel more comfortable around us."

"Ya" I've never really considered it like that before. But now that she says it, I haven't felt the need to have my guard up since Scarlet first introduced me to Willow and Gus. "Quien sabe." I mumble under my breath.

"Hmmm? What did you say?"

"Oh nothing."

"OK. Well, we should probably leave. It's obvious Eda isn't coming to say bye. Probably still sleeping." She smiles at the thought that once again, Eda didn't wake up early like she planned.

She summons her palismen Cece, and we head to in the direction of Hexside. Today was going to be a busy one.

Amity's POV

"Amity! We need to head to school!" My brother Eric shouted from the door.

"I'm coming! Just be patient!" I shout back. I grab my bag, and my palismen Ghost, and rush downstairs.

The past week has been stressful for sure. With school starting up, and the events that occurred last week were definitely taking a toll.

It still puzzled me. How in Titan's name did a human get unto the Boiling Isles, and why would she hang out with a freak like Scarlet?

"I'm here, I'm here. Let's get to school."

" 'bout time Mittens." My sister Emira laughs. Why did they still have to use that stupid nickname?

We jump onto our palismen and fly towards Hexside. As we neared the school, I see Boscha waiting by the steps leading to the doors of Hexside. As a land and make my way towards here, she runs up and grabs my shoulders, shaking them anxiously.

"YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE WHO'S GOING HERE!" She shouted, making me flinch.

"One, stop shouting, two, who are you talking about?" I reply while taking her hands of my shoulders.

"That human bitch that punched you last week! She arrived with the freak right before you did!" She looked like she was about to puch the wall.

"Actually? Why would they let a human on? Humans can't do magic." I was just as shocked at this news.

"I'm not sure. But I swear to make her life here a living hell after she punched you." She stated while cracking her nuckles. That's when the bell screamed.

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