Ch. 7, The Incident

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Amity's POV

Boscha had decided to head home after the encounter with Luz and Scarlet. So, I decided to go for a walk.

I couldn't stop thinking about Scarlets hands. The last time that happened....

I shook my head, not wanting to bring the memory back up. I continued walking, deep in my thoughts, when I turned a bend, and saw Luz passed out on the path.

In shock, I ran up to her to make sure she was ok. Pushing my fingers to her neck, I sighed in relief as I felt her pulse.

Quickly pulling out my scroll, I tapped Scarlet's contact. A couple rings later, she picked up. "Scarlet, I don't know what happened but I found Luz passed out on a path and-" before I could finish, I was interupted and it wasn't Scarlet. Instead, it was Eda who had answered the phone.

"WHAT?! Ok, Amity, I'm not 100% sure what's going on, but at the moment, Scarlet is unconscious right now as well. Come to Raine's Deliscious Scream Cream." Eda anxiously explained, concern and worry deep in her voice.

"OK, I'll come as fast as possible." I replied, quickly hanging up and summoning an abomination to carry Luz. I was now trembling with worry. What happened, and why were they BOTH unconscious.

As soon as I arrived, I knocked on the closed door. As I waited, my anxiety started to rise. I haven't seen Eda since Scarlet and I had been friends. And that was years ago.

The store door open, and standing there was Raine. He quickly glanced around and gestured for me to come in.

I quickly stepped inside, the abomination following close behind me. After Raine locks the door again, he had me follow him to the back, where I see Scarlet unconscious on the couch. She looked like she was in pain.

I don't know why, but seeing her like this made me want to cry. Even after all these years, I still cared about her, even though I have been nothing but an asshole towards her.

Having my abomination set Luz down on the other couch, I look over at Eda who had tear stained cheeks. She looked so stressed and tired; like she hasn't slept in weeks. Usually she was always so cocky and confident, but now she just looked broken in a way I never thought was possible with her.

"What's happening to them?" I choked, not even realizing that some tears had started to fall.

She looked up at me in shock, "I-I don't know. Scarlet had just came home and had suddenly passed out. And now Luz is unconscious now too." She started crying again, and Raine immediately ran over to comfort her.

As I stood there, I couldn't help but wonder if it had to do with Scarlet's magic. Because the same thing had happened before. Scarlet had passed out suddenly and when she woke up, she had this unknown magic within her.

Standing there deep in thought, I notice that King was helping a blonde boy with a scar on his cheek, take care of Luz and Scarlet. Walking over, I grabbed a warm towel and pressed it against Luz's forehead.

Why did I have to be such a jerk to them? That incident was an accident and it happened years ago. And Luz didn't even do anything to me. Why was I such a fucking jerk?

I broke down crying, and King came over and gave me a hug. Surprised by this action, I look down and noticed he was crying too.

"Hey, they're going to be ok." I said, reassuring the little demon in my arms.

"I just don't want anything to happen to them. They're both sisters to me. And they've already been through so much. Why is life so unfair?" He cried, clinging tightly to my arm.

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