Ch. 3 Nemesis

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(Read with caution)

Scarlet's POV

As we left the tree house, saying goodbye to Gus and Willow and started heading back to the Owl House, I noticed there seemed to be something different with Luz. She seemed, less tense. Still seemed closed off, but there was no longer any deep hatred in her eyes.

"So...what did you think?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and giving a gentle smile.

"Hmm? O-oh, they were... ok I guess." She replied, rubbing the back of her neck. She seemed unsure about something.

"Are you ok? There seems to be something on your mind."

"I'm fine, it's just..." she paused looking the opposite direction. "Do you really think Eda meant it by saying I could stay." She looked back at me with what looked to be a worried look on her face.

"Are you kidding? Of course she meant it. Out of anyone, Eda is the kindest, and most welcoming person I know." I replied giving a reassuring pat on Luz's shoulder. She still seemed unsure. "Hey, I know we've only met yesterday, but what exactly happened that made you lose trust in people?"

"Well, it's a pretty long story actually." She seemed to get uneasy about the topic, and seemed confused at the same time.

"No worries. We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. But if you ever want to talk, I'm always here."

She paused, and then a slight, shy smiled appeared. "Thank you."

I was left surprised at the softness in her eyes then, and the fact she smiled. I returned the smile and continued walking.

"Do you think Eda's back?" King asked while jumping on some sticks.

"Maybe, but it depends on what she had to go take care of." I replied giving King a pat on the head.

As we turned the bend back to the Owl House, I froze, and then quickly pulled Luz and King behind a bush.

"What was that for?!" Luz asked very annoyed.

"Shhh! Emperor Guards." I whispered, pointing towards the house.

The Owl House was swarming with Guards, and standing there yapping orders at them was kikimora and Lilith.

"Who are they and what are they doing here?" Luz asked, now tense and on guard.

"Those are the Emperor's Guards. The Emperor, Belos, is NOT a good person. And he's been capturing wild witches and petrifieing them. Wild witches are witches who aren't in a coven, Eda is one of them. Been trying to catch her for years." I quickly explained. "Right now, it isn't safe to be here."

I quickly summoned Cece, and got on her. "Come, we'll go explore a bit more and find Eda so we can warn her." As Luz got on, I help King up in front of me. "Hold on."

As we flew to Bonesburough, I kept a close eye out for any more Emperor Guards. When we landed, I saw Eda over by the potion shop, arguing with the owner.

I quickly ran over and tapped her shoulder.

"What! Scarlet? What are you doing here?" She asked confused.

"Emperor Guards." I whispered so no one passing by heard. Her eyes widened in shock.

She let out a long sigh, holding the bridge of her nose. "Is Lilith there?"

"Yes, Kikimora too."

"I'll go take care of them. Keep showing Luz around and plz try to stay out of trouble. King you're coming with me. And YOU!" She turned back to the shopkeep. "Make sure you have my elixir this time." She hopped onto to Owlbert, and flew back the direction we came.

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