🏠9🏠 : Sally's Play

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(The dress is red since we know Wally likes red)

"Thanks for coming Y/n,  everyone is here now!"    I saw Wally,  Julie,  Barnaby all with scripts.   This will be interesting.
"Ok today we will practice the Midnight Rose play!"   I looked at my script and saw there was supposed to be a kiss scene between the two main roles,  one of those characters was the role I'm playing.   "Sally,  have you had kiss scenes before?"   "No not yet,  I've been meaning to do that though and this play was perfect for it."   Wally leaned over my shoulder to see where I had my script opened up to,  humming once he found the part I mentioned.   He rested his chin on my shoulder as Sally rambled on.
"It's is absolutely essential in this one,  I had you and Wally set as those two characters since you two fit them the best.   So don't let me down ok?"   Apple and cinnamon filled my senses as I answered  "oh of course."
"Wally,  what are you doing?"  I whispered while Sally addressed Julie and Barnaby.
"Just resting my head."  His head then tilted and rested further into my neck.   He's gonna kill me at this rate.   I let my fingers play with the tip of his pompadour as we listened to Sally.    "And then a fabulous curtain call!"

She said it was simple,   but 3 weeks of practice passed and everytime that scene comes up I almost pass out from my racing heart.    And that before the performance night,  there was no dress rehearsal so I wasn't expecting Wally to come all dressed to the 9s and NO POMPADOUR?!  HIS HAIR IS DOWN,  THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!!    He was dressed as I knight and I was a princess,   so I wore a pretty dress.    I was running back and forth in front of Poppy in flustered panic.

"Poppy,  he looks so valliant and handsome.
I didn't know this was going to happen!"    I wasn't so loud that everyone else could hear,  but I was loud.   "Calm down Y/n,   fretting about it won't help and I know a thing or two about that."   Then another realization hit,  I forgot I had stage fright.
"Um Poppy.... I forgot I had stage fright."
"Y/n?  You're shaking like a leaf,  are you ok?"    I practically jumped at Wally's voice.
"I.. I..."   I started hyperventilating and fanning myself.   He instantly pulled off his armor revealing his usual white button up shirt and black pants instead of his usual colorful ones,  probably only for plays.
He pulled me into his arms,  letting me grip onto him for dear life.   I'm pretty sure Poppy said he didn't know how to hug?   I guess he learned from all the quick hug drive bys I've done.   His apple cinnamon scent seemed to calm me down,  so I burried my neck into his shoulder.   My breathing soon slowed down to a more regular pace,  and my shaking stopped.  His embrace was so warm.   I lifted my head and gazed into his beautiful eyes,  "Thank you Darling."
The name just slipped,  but it felt so right to say.    "You're welcome."  His voice was just above a whisper,  he definitely will kill me but also not at the same time.   I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him,  getting one in return.

"Ok guys,  it's about time to star-  oop.  You two finish up really quick."   Sally said,  here one second and gone the next.    I didn't wanna let go,  but I had to since the show must go on.

The Midnight Rose

Sally started narrating.
"Many years ago in the Kingdom of Roses,  a young princess was born.   Princess (y/n but made longer) was most beloved by her people as she brought with her beautiful seasons of bloom,  with the guiding eye of the knight the King gave her she was safe from all harm.   And so came about another hopefull year of prosperity."

I took a deep breath and went for it.
My heels click clacked as I rushed on stage with a bouquet of roses.  

"Oh Sir Walliford,  just from this bundle of roses I just know this year will be bountiful."  Wally rushed on stage right behind me and peeked at the roses.  "You are always right princess,  so I don't doubt you."   I sniffed the roses and sighed.   "Oh I can't imagine how beautiful the festival will be,  I bet is better than last year!"

"And it was,  many strangers came to see the kingdom and it's beauties.   Princess (y/n but made longer)  always loved coming to the festival,  so she made a point to go again this year.

"Walliford,  look at the flowers.   They're beautiful!"   *Sniff sniff*   "indeed they are,  but never as beautiful as the rose princess herself."    "Oh Willaford you charmer.   Look,  a new stall."     "My lady,  there's no one here."    "Really?  That's strange,  the owner left all these pretty roses."   I took a sniff and pretended to cough and sneeze.
"Oh my,  let's get you back to the castle."

"On their way back to the castle they passed Barnabus,  Walliford's fellow knight.

"Barnabus,  there is a flower cart with no keeper filled with roses.  Could you cleanse or burn the roses?  Just don't sniff them."
"Yes Walliford,  I'll get right on it.   Princess you don't look too good,  the Queen should know about her condition."   "Of course."  Wally said and guided me back stage while Barnaby does his scene.

"Don't smell em,  huh.  Maybe I should burn the whole cart,  looks like it's from that kingdom the king has been negotiating with."

"Barnabus burned the whole cart,   getting rid of the whole thing.   Back at the castle the Queen was notified."

"What is our course of action Queen Juliana?"   "I hate to say it dear Willaford,  you know how much I hate war.   But it must be done.   With how you described the cart it is indeed from that place.    Willaford,  you and Barnabus are the best knights we have."   "I.. I understand your majesty."

"As days went by and the war passed,  the princess's condition got worse and worse.  She couldn't leave bed or move a muscle.
Walliford stayed by her side when he got back,  promising to rescue her."

I lay still in bed,  waiting.
"My princess,   I wish there was more I could do.  I fear you may never recover.
The least I can do is show you at last my feelings."

This is it,  will he do it?  We didn't do it during rehearsals.   Since my eyes we're closed I could only see shadow movement.
"I love you."
That wasn't in the script....

Then I felt his lips on mine.
I couldn't help but kiss back I little.
I opened my eyes once he pulled away,  looking around and then finding Wally.
"Princess,  you're awake!"
"Oh Willaford!"


The princess was cured by the kiss of true love!   And they lived happily ever after.
The End

Everyone erupted in applause,  encouraging the curtain call.

"Wally,  I.. I.. Uh."    "I can do it again if you want me to."   I just about melted into a puddle.    Once his armor was off he picked me up and twirled me,  make me laugh.
"You were amazing."   "So we're you, Sir Willaford."   "My princess,  I suppose I can't whisk you away just yet."   "Probably not my knight in shining sweater."

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