Chapter 6

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Lillian got out of the taxi, backpack on her back and a small duffel bag in hand. She took a deep breath and looked at the small cabin that, according to the address on the slip of paper in her pocket, belonged to James McMillan. She took a deep breath and trudged forward, determined to overcome her nerves. She approached the front door and set the duffel bag down on the ground to ring the doorbell. A few minutes later she heard footsteps and stood up straight, ran her fingers through her hair, and watched as the door opened.

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion when a woman stood on the other side of the doorway. "I'm sorry, I must have the wrong address. I thought this was James McMillan's home."

The slim, blonde-haired woman standing in the doorway looked a bit confused as well. "Yes, this is his place. Can I help you?"

"Oh, okay—um, well—," Lillian frowned, then glanced back, but the taxi was long gone.

"Oh my god, you're Lillian!" the unknown woman said, causing Lillian to whip back around.

"Yes," she said slowly. "I am. And you are?"

"I'm Jackie! James' sister!" the woman said, providing enough clarification to cause Lillian to visibly relax.

"Oh! Okay. Is—is James here?" Lillian asked, biting her lip as she glanced beyond the other woman into the house. Her nerves came back in full force.

"No, he's run to the store. He should be back soon. Why don't you come in?"

Lillian nodded, unsure of what else to say, picked up her duffel bag, and entered through the door that Jackie held open for her. As they walked through the main entryway and into the kitchen/dining area, Lillian took in as much as she could of her surroundings, unsure of how long she'd be allowed to stay once James returned.

"Go ahead and have a seat at the table. Would you like a cup of coffee or tea?" Jackie asked, watching the other woman closely as she looked around the room.

"Tea, please."

"Earl Grey, okay? I think it's all James keeps around."

"Yes, that's fine. Thank you." Lillian said as she made her way to the large wooden table. She had just sat down when she heard the front door open. She froze.

"Jacks, they didn't have the asparagus, so we're going to have to make do with green beans. Shouldn't be—" James froze, a full paper bag in each arm, as he turned the corner and saw Lillian sitting at the table.

Lillian stood up slowly and stuttered out. "H—hi, James."

They stood, staring at each other. James cleared his throat nervously. "Hello, Lillian."

Jackie looked back and forth between the two for a moment before intervening. She walked over to James and started to take one of the bags out of his hands. "Lillian just arrived, James. I was just about to make her a cup of tea. Wasn't it nice of her to come visit?"

James frowned and glanced away from Lillian long enough to glare at his sister. "You hardly ever call me James. You always call me 'Jimmy'. Why are you calling me James?"

Jackie groaned as she set the bag down on the kitchen counter. "I was trying to be nice in front of Lillian, James."

"You don't have to act nice in front of Lillian. You can be your normal, obnoxious self," he said as she approached to get the other bag. She scoffed and punched him lightly on the arm before taking the bag. He smirked at his sister, then turned back to Lillian, his face dropping all hint of emotion. "Why are you here?"

Jackie rolled her eyes. "She's here to visit you, you dunce."

James turned again to his sister and glared. "Don't put words into her mouth. She can answer for herself." He looked at Lillian again. "Is that why you're here. To see me?"

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