Chapter 7

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James escorted her back out to the guest house and ensured she didn't need anything else for her first night's stay.

"I have breakfast ready at 8:15," he stated as they stood at the doorway of the guest house.

She assumed he was letting her know to be there at that time. She knew schedules and routine were important to James, and didn't want to rock the boat. "Okay. I'll be sure to be inside by 8:15," she said with a smile as she reached for one of his hands and threaded her fingers with his, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Thank you for letting me stay here, James. And for forgiving me for my mistake. This day has been better than I could have ever imagined."

James gave a slight nod, looking down between them at their connected hands. "Thank you for coming. I'm...I' came."

They went their separate ways and after setting an alarm on her phone for the next morning, Lillian lay in bed with eyes wide open. She was struggling to get to sleep as she thought about the day. What if she hadn't gotten up the nerve to come? She was so thankful she had, and thankful to Beth for convincing her to come. She picked her phone up and sent a text message.

L: Sorry I didn't text earlier. I've had a full evening.

B: How did it go???

L: Wonderful. He forgave me. I had dinner with him and his sister. He cooks.

B: I can't wait to meet this guy! So does this mean you're serious now? You're dating?

L: Yeah, I think so. :)

B: Yay!

L: I've gotta get some sleep, if I can. I feel...giddy.

B: You deserve giddy. You deserve happiness. I'm -so- happy for you!

L: Thanks for pushing me to come, and for being such a great friend. Good night. :)

B: Good night, friend. :)


The next morning, at around 8:05, she entered through the sliding doors at the back of the house and her nose was pleasantly aroused by divine aromas. She grinned, amazed again at the talent James showed for cooking. She approached the kitchen bar and called out to him. "Good morning!"

He stopped in mid-stir of the pan in front of him, paused a moment, then continued what he had been doing. "Good morning."

She slid onto a bar stool to watch him work. "Had you forgotten I was here?"

"No...I was just deep in thought."

Worry started to creep into the edges of her happiness. "Are you still happy I'm here? I can still get in for the second night of that hotel room I had booked."

"No—" He stopped and sighed, squeezing his eyes shut before reopening them. "I mean, yes. Yes, I'm happy you are here. No, you don't need to get the hotel room. Unless, you weren't comfortable in the guest house?"

"It was very comfortable, thank you."

His shoulders seemed to relax at that, and as if on cue, a tea kettle on the back burner of the gas stove started whistling. He took it immediately and poured the hot water into a cup she hadn't noticed before that sat near the stove. He placed the kettle back on the stovetop and turned down the temperature on the eye, then picked up the mug and brought it over to her. "I can get a different kind of tea if you prefer. This is just what I keep here for Jackie when she's over."

"What do you drink with breakfast?"

"One cup of coffee, then a glass of orange juice," he said, then went back to finishing preparations for their breakfast.

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