Special Preview

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Special Preview
From Christina Brandal's next book,
"A New Story"

"I know we've been through all this before, Maria, but I can't help myself. I love our chats too. And I love every time I get to see you and spend time with you. And Anna. But especially with you. It means so much to me that you took the chance of bringing coffee to my place this week so we could spend some time alone--" Maria started to protest, but Daniel stopped her by raising his hand in the air. "I know--I know--It was just coffee and friendly conversation. But while I am gone, I'd like you to just consider something." He paused, and stared at her a moment. He hoped he wasn't making the biggest mistake of his life.

Her gaze flickered down to her glass again, then back to his eyes. "Wha--what?"

"Consider the obvious. Consider what is right in front of you. Consider that from the moment we first met three years ago, we were attracted to each other. And I don't just mean as a 'fangirl' or a 'fanboy.," he said with a chuckle. They had come so far from that. "I mean there was something there and we both know it. And it came right back four months ago when we quite literally ran into each other at the school exhibition. And despite your best attempts to maintain the low-key 'just friends' thing, and my best attempts to respect that, it hasn't gotten any better."

"What--what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I want you to take the next month while I am away to consider our relationship. Consider what it is you really want. You know what I'm coming from, and I know what you're coming from--generally speaking." She knew he was divorced, obviously, and while he had never shared with her--or anyone else for that matter--the details of why he was divorced, he had shared enough with her. And he obviously knew that she still struggled with the idea of a relationship because of her grief over her dead husband. He took a deep breath. "If, when I get back, you tell me that you don't want to pursue our relationship further than friendship..." Another deep breath. He couldn't believe he was allowing himself to make this sort of ultimatum. "Then I'll accept that."


Maria's heart was pounding. Had Daniel Statten just given her an ultimatum? He was leaving for a month and she was to decide what the fate of their relationship would be. One side of her wanted to take the remaining steps forward, literally at this moment, and fall into his arms. The other side wanted to turn and run away. But this was her house, where would she run? And really--she didn't want to run away at all. She looked down at the wine glass again. "And what--what if--what if I decided I wanted that?" she said so quietly Daniel almost didn't hear her.

He considered her question, "Then I will make myself content with just being your friend for the rest of our days. And I promise, I will never bring it up again."

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