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Wednesday woke up to a dark and gloomy room, thanks to her black drapes and her husband for making sure the house was decorated to her liking. Her husband, Xavier Thorpe the world renowned artist was still asleep. Her sleep was interrupted by her daughter who she's currently nine months pregnant with, and once she started to kick excessively, Wednesday knew it was time to get up.

"You ARE so full of yourself!" Vincent could be heard yelling across the house probably talking to Morticia.

Vincent Addams- Thorpe and Morticia Addams- Thorpe were her twins and unlike most twins they argued all the time.

"I'll just ask mommy!" Vincent yelled, probably responding to an inaudible statement from his sister.

Footsteps started racing down the hallway and before Wednesday knew it her door swung open and in front her was the loves of her lives, her kids. Vincent quickly ran in while Morticia slowly followed behind to stand at their parents bedside.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"Did past mommy not like me, because Tish said you hated everyone including us, and I'm just trying to prove that she's wrong."

"Well your sister is wrong, I was a bit colder but no matter what timeline it is, it's wired in my DNA for me to love you, because nobody else can be my little strong man."

"Mother I must say, I don't believe you." Tish said using the classic Wednesday monotone.

"See I told you, and I know daddy loved us just as much."

"Oh please, he was a teenaged male, once he saw us the only thing on his mind was creating us."

"What does she mean mommy?"

Wednesday sighed, everyday she think she's mentally prepared for her son's craziness and her daughter's remarks and they prove her wring every time.

"That's a talk for you and your father Vinny."

"NO! I mean uh . . ." A sleeping Xavier screamed and then proceeded to begin snoring exaggerating the volume.

Wednesday then got a devilish grin on her face and decided to mess with her husband.

"I will tell you this though, at a school like Nevermore good romance is hard to find so I just picked the fool dumb enough to fall in love with The Wednesday Addams and I tolerate him."

Xavier quickly raised his head up leaning over and giving Wednesday a loving kiss.

"You can't fool me and say you don't feel those sparks, cara mia."

Wednesday couldn't fight the smile or the warmth that filled her body as she heard the nickname she so loves and cherishes.

"That's my cue to exit, when will breakfast be mother?"

"I'm actually making breakfast, the doctor put your mother bed rest."

"I think I'll head to my room and order some uber eats."

"Wait for me Tish!"

At this point Wednesday was on the other side of the bed chuckling at her kid's reaction to Xavier's cooking.

"I say we ground them and cut their allowances."

"Xavier, I'm a four time best selling author who currently has a movie being made for Netflix, and you're a famous artist. Our kids are spoiled and we can't be mad at all."

"Still my cooking isn't that bad, but I guess I'll just cook for my baby." Xavier said rubbing Wednesday's stomach.

Wednesday rolled her eyes picking up her phone and sending a quick text and putting it back down.

"That won't be necessary Xavier, I'm not hungry."



Xavier looked at his wife with only a look of betrayal.

"I thought you weren't hungry?"

"I don't know, it's just when you start talking about cooking I lose my appetite."


Enid and Ajax had come over which were Wednesday and Xavier's respective best friends. Ajax and Xavier were playing catch with Vincent outside while Enid and Wednesday chatted in her bedroom.

"So you nervous bestie?"


"About your new little arrival."

"Enid, I've pushed out two of these at the same time, no need for nerves."

"When will you change Wens?"

"Be honest Enid, you'd hate if I changed."

"Well duhh, we became besties from you being you and me being me."

"Well said AHHHHHHH!" Wednesday couldn't finish her sentence before screaming in sharp pain.

"Wednesday what's wrong?"

"Enid start a timer, I'm having contractions."


Wednesday did in fact go into labor that day and with a waiting room full of people, and of course her husband being in the hospital room, twelve hours later she welcomed a beautiful blonde baby. Xavier walked into the waiting room to see his kids with his mother and father in law, his brother in law, and his best friends. They looked at him expectantly.

"She's here."

They all rushed into the big hospital room and saw Wednesday wiped out with the baby in her hands.

"Oh my god Wednesday, she's adorable! What's her name?"


The day was filled with joy and lots of love and eventually all the family left Tish and Vincent going to stay with their Aunt Enid and Uncle Ajax leaving Wednesday and Xavier alone. Mericoles was taken to the nursery and Xavier was sleep as Wednesday sat up thinking. Her thoughts were interrupted by her having a vision.

In the vision

Mericoles is lying down in the nursery when a figure enters and grabs her. They quickly pulled out a stone that opens a portal and they step through.

Wednesday comes to panting and out of breath, her first instinct was to rush to the nursery, but she realized she couldn't. She shook Xavier as hard as she could until he woke out of his sleep.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"Go check on Mericoles, NOW!"

Xavier didn't have to be told twice and quickly rushed to the nursery ignoring any nurse in his way. When he entered and saw one baby missing out of their bed he quickly rushed back to Wednesday.

"Shit, shit, SHIT!" He yelled as he raced back to his wife.

Once he reached his wife she was looking at him hoping for any hint of a good sign.

"Wednesday, she's gone."



Wednesday, Xavier, Enid, and Ajax sat in their dorm watching a movie when there was a knock on the door. Enid got up to answer it and when she opened it she froze.

"Uhh Wednesday and Xavier, I think it's for you."

The two teens in question got up to approach the door and what they saw shocked them. There was a baby with a picture attached to her, in the picture it showed Xavier, Wednesday, Vincent, and Morticia. On the back it read "Mericoles Addams- Thorpe."

"Shit." Xavier whispered.

"Looks like we've gotta give this parenting thing another go." Wednesday said grabbing Xavier's hand being a bit more optimistic than last time.

Well here it is, the long awaited sequel to "My Future"! Hope it was everything you guys wanted.

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