#27 Devil's Soft Whispers

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Double update just bcz I love you all and I wrote this while studying in library 🤧😑

"You wants me to show you the difference?"

To his this flirty question y/n gave no answer and immediately walked out of room to hide her blushing face. And not like she could say anything in return. If a man talks to you like this then it's obvious you can lose your thinking ability.

First thing she did after coming downstairs was cup her cheeks and release a inaudible groan. How can this man make her feel these unfamiliar feelings? His personality,his gaze even his existence is illegal.

Yet,for now he is becoming a threat for her and it's like she is being threatened and daunted by his every action.

Shrugging things away y/n is finding Yuna now as according to Jeon Jungkook she needs to be responsible from now on as if before she was treated like a princess.

She halted on her stop seeing Yuna already coming towards her with cleaning stuffs. And this is how Jeon Jungkook the freaking mafia ruined her dignity.

"You too are aware about this?" Y/n asked in pure disbelief. Yuna just nodded handing her the wiper.

"The disrespect." Y/n muttered few more cursing words obviously to jungkook.

With a thud she put down everything down more like throw them in anger. With her fierce gaze she looked around the big room. Aren't a way she have to clean this by herself? But again this is reality.

"C'mon y/n you got this and show that hot, handsome yet cruel mafia." Encouraged by her own words y/n started her work with a new found energy. She gathered her all hairs and tie them with a hair tie which she always carry with herself wearing it in her hand.

On the other side after finishing a one hour long conversation with his secreatory taehyung jungkook is now going towards his room.

In between he saw Yuna working in living area. Yuna stood straight seeing her master coming in her direction. Already she is suffering from back pain. God's knows what new work he will assign to her now.

"You informed y/n what she have to do right and where is she now?" Yuna bowed before answering.

"Yes master and she is in your room right now."

"I'll check it." Yuna want to laugh at his words.

"You monster why you asked when you wanna confirm it by yourself,aishh my back." Yuna hissed cursing her boss.

"And." Her posture immediately straightened as jungkook once again turned to her.

"Y-yes master!"
"No need to work you can take rest now." With these few words he walked upstairs.

While Yuna blinked in unbelief. However, it's not something shocking as sometimes the heartless mafia shows mercy on his workers. It's just it's too rare and none of them is accustomed to his kindness.

On his way to room jungkook got a phone call. Yet,the call lasted only some seconds. Hanging up he slide it back into his pocket and goes inside when something slippery cause him to loose his balance and fall on the floor with a loud thud.

"What the hell!" Holding his head jungkook tried to get up but the slippery surface under him didn't allowed. And once again pulled his body back to floor.

"SHIT!" He groaned loudly.

Y/n who was frozen blinked his eyes until her lips quivered and she bursted into giggles seeing him all wet and covered in bubbles.

"Mr Jeon you sure you are a mafia king because I don't think a mafia can have such weak visual reflexes." Y/n taunted the same way he always do to her.

Arms crossed, wearing a smirk she was enjoying his state. Yet, next second she got concerned seeing him massaging the back of his head slightly groaning in pain.

"Mr Jeon are you okay?" She asked but there was no response from him. Y/n panicked and thought to check him. What if it's actually serious?

With quick steps she starts to walk near him but in her worry she forgot about the slippery surface and as we predicted she too fell down but what unexpected was she fall upon him followed by a loud yelp.

"Shin y/n,are you mad or what or along with your brain you lost your vision too." He is in pain yet he still didn't miss this chance of insulting her once again

And it was the last straw of her patience.
Without a second thought y/n rubbed the floor cleaner liquid on his face earning his shocked look. But this is already done right so there is no use of regretting now.

All y/n could do is pray for her safety. Because for sure this Mafia is not gonna leave her now. Still,she doesn't care.

On the other hand jungkook wasn't able to form a word. Boy was shocked by her behavior.

"This is what you got for insulting me." Next second she found her body pinned down to floor with Jungkook hovering over her, holding both her hands beside her head in a tight grip which she sure gonna leave mark later.

Y/n never thought he would act so fast.
After witnessing with her own eyes y/n could conclude that Mafia's never forget to take revenge. Nevertheless,her shocked state got masked by her now drooling on his appearance for hundredth time.

"Now tell me miss y/n what punishment you should get for messing up with me and playing childish." She hear his deep,husky voice whispering to her which never fails to captivate her soul.

Her fist grabbed the thick material of his coat in a tight grip as he leaned down close to her messing up her breathing. And the next moment he snuggled in her neck and she hear him sighing contentedly with closed eyes.

"You know out of all things happened with me you are so different from them. The feelings I feel having you with me is something I can't compare with anything." He whispered softly as he dived more into her neck and a euphoric chill crawled its way up her spine.

"I badly wants to know what this is?" The soft whispering of the devil's deep voice continued its rhythmic murmur,into her ear which finds its way to her heart.

Y/n's heart raced as realisation hit her and without her permission she let out some unexpected words.

"This is wrong." He lifted his head from her neck and look at her with eyebrows crushed together.

"It's wrong Mr Jeon." Her low whisper couldn't hide the crack in her voice.

"It's absolutely wrong. P-please!" Not exchanging more words he immediately get up from her, this time holding the wall for support and helped her too.

Not looking back she walked out of room and the sound of door closing compressed his whisper.

"Careful!" The deathly silent room echoed with his dry chuckle.

"I am afraid to maintain distance after how close you have become to my heart."

HELP:- UHMm actually i am thinking about posting my stories on instagram but as my brother use instagram he will get to know about this. So do you have any suggestion by which i can upload stories and brother won't know about it.

Hope you enjoyed. Will soon add twist. Have no idea about next update 😫

Do vote and share your opinions 💜👻

Oh my rainy days and love me again 😭😭so beautiful. Fr this genre is made for taehyung. Please stream for our baby bear😍

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