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Kipo is standing in the ship with everyone else looking quite upset. "So we're just giving up!? After all that! We're just going to give up!?" Kipo says in frustration. Lio tries to consult her. "Kipo, I know it's frustrating, but we're in way over our heads." Song comes standing next to him. "Kipo you heard what that guy said, we don't know what we're up against." Kipo looks in both surprise and disappointment. "Since when has that ever stopped us. We've been through so much worse! I can't believe you!" Kipo runs past them into her room on the ship, they try to stop her but decide to give her some space.

Kipo paces back and forth in her room and tries to think, there's some much going through her head it's driving her crazy. One thing is sticking to her out of it all though. Not the giant bird thing, not Emilia, but that guy. "What was with that guy...his scent... something about made me No that can't be, but I felt comfortable. Comfortable enough to lose focus...ugh! What's happening to me!?" She falls to the floor and just lays there, looking at the ceiling.
Later at night, Wolf and Benson try and cheer Kipo up, so Benson went ahead and made Kipo's favorite cake. Wolf knocks on the door. "Hey Kipo, can we come in?" No answer. Benson speaks. "Listen Kipo, I know you're upset, but it we'll come up a new plan, a better one. Now how about you let us in and we can have some chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting and chocolate chucks!" Kipo doesn't respond at all. Dave looked surprised. "Wow she must really be upset." Wolf was sure that would work, but she had a feeling. "Kipo?" She opened the door only to find a note, wolf's face went pale. "Oh no! Kipo!"

Kipo Pov

I was currently swimming with my jaguar paws to shore, it was faster than taking the raft. Soon I reached the shore and shook the water from my body. "Phew, a bit further then I thought but that doesn't matter, I'll tear this island apart if I have to." The dense vegetation and eerie silence is enough to scare anyone, but that won't stop me, not now. "If Emilia is here, I have to find her" I clenched my fists, remembering all the pain she caused. With a quick deep breath, I start my way through the trees. It was strange how quiet it is, I'm guessing there aren't many creatures here then. I pull the tracker from my pocket, I knew it would lead me to Emilia. "Ugh, no signal!" I yell. I take a deep breath, man I've been stressed lately. "Alright just think, maybe if I climb higher I can find the signal." I form my claws and climb up the closet tree, once I'm at the top I decided to try and familiarize myself with this new environment.

The trees all look the same but then I see tall buildings in the distance. "Hmm..." I see if the signal is back, still nothing. "Shoot... Hmm, well if I was here, I would head to those buildings, at least there Emilia could collect supplies." I try and determined how far it is but suddenly the tree I'm standing on started moving. "HEY!" It hurls itself to one side and I'm flung to the ground. I'm off balance, I hit the ground hard. The tree wasn't a tree at all, but limp of some kind of insect like creature. It starts to stand and it chirps loudly like a cricket, suddenly the ground started to break as more of them starting to wake up. "Woah! I need to move!" I quickly get my jaguar legs out and started to run. Those giant insect are galloping in a herb, and I'm in the middle of it, if I'm not careful I could get crushed. I morph into the Jaguar and jump out the stampede, changing back to catch my breath, as the herb of insects runs past me. " was....scary..." I reach in my pockets for the tracker, but I felt nothing, in a panic and check every pocket I have. "No....NO....No no no no no no no no no!" I must have dropped it while I was running. "SON OF A-"
Lio back on the ship felt a disturbance in the force
Everything about what's happened here is really pushing my limits. After a few minutes of pure frustration, I stop and sit down. "Ugh! Ok... Breath Kipo... This isn't the first time things have been bad... I just need to think..." While thinking my stomach growls. "Probably should have eaten before coming here... Ugh...." With a quick sigh, I use my nose to track down anything edible to eat, and soon I get a whiff of something, I'm not sure what, but it's better than nothing. I follow the scent and I soon a grove of flowers. "The scent was... Flowers? Strange I could have sworn they were fruit or something." I take other whiff, yep the scent is coming from the flower. There pretty too, I reach to pick one, and as soon as I touch it suddenly release a puff of pollen, it hits me and I start coughing.

No pov

Kipo inhaled the pollen and started coughing, soon losing balance and fell into the flowers, making them release more pollen, this pollen was different, it was making it hard to breath, Kipo started to collapse, she couldn't breathe. She was close to suffocating, she was scared but she couldn't do anything to stop it. But luck was on her side a gust of wind blew past and swept the pollen long enough for Kipo to breathe and changed into the Jaguar and rush out of flowers. Soon settling at the edge of the trees and changing back to take deep breaths.

Kipo Pov

"HOLY CRAP! I ALMOST DIED... To flowers? What kind of sick island is this!" I take deep breaths and try and compose myself. After a while I stand and try and... I don't know what to do. "OK... lets just stay calm and back track, I'm currently on a dangerous island, with no knowledge of what is and what isn't safe, I have no idea how find my way back to the ship, and my only source of navigation was trampled by a stampede of giant insects, and I almost died to flowers... I wanna go home!" I sit down and try and stay calm, but it's like i'm thirteen again. "How am I going to do this!? OK think Kipo THINK!" I pace back and forth. "I've survived in harsher environment, oh who am I kidding, Las Vistas was dangerous, but this is insane! How did I do it last time? I didn't, because last time I had... wolf... she was my guide.... A GUIDE! I need to find that spear guy! I mean I'm sure he won't do it, but I was able to convince wolf, so I'll be able to convince him too!... I hope... he's my best shot. I make my way back and try and get to those buildings I saw, hopefully there's supplies and maybe even some actual people who can help me.

*Small time skip*

I arrived at the city.... Or at least what's left of it. The vegetation is much bigger than the ones back home. "HELLO!? ANYONE!? SPEAR GUY, YOU THERE!?" The ground started to shake and I dove for cover. "Right, rule one of the surface, don't ring the dinner bell. Wait was that rule one?..." The ground stopped shaking, I try and think back to it, but suddenly a large shadow passed overhead. I look and see IT. The bird thing that attacked Las Vista, it perched on the corner of one of the buildings, just across from me. "That thing can lead me to Emilia!" I say to myself, but it's as if it heard me. It jumps down and lands just across the street, and it's only getting closer. I know that I'm getting out of here without a fight, forming my paws I ready myself.

No pov

The bird walks forward, swaying it's head from side to side, it's head scanner activated and began search the area. "... Abnormal...DNA ... Detected...." It's scanner stops at a dead car, suddenly the car is lifted and flung at the bird, it blocked with it's arm, but Kipo used it as a chance to get closer and try and get some hits in, but even with her strength, it's not enough. The bird grabs her fist and just throws her into the window of a car dealership. Kipo get back up and started throwing more cars, but the bird is just catching and throwing them aside, but Kipo just turned into the mega jaguar and pounces on it, pinning it under her. The bird struggled to get up, but it activated its thrusters and grabs her paws and dragged her along the ground and against the walls of the buildings. Kipo turns back into her human form and climbs along its back and soon reaches its head, forming her claws and digging them into the sides of its helmet and forcing it to turn. The bird jerks from side to side, and just pulled her off it's face, only for them to crash into a building.

Kipo is now on the ground, very much in pain. "Ugh...ow..." She slowly gets up but falls back down. Her leg is sprained. "Ah! Ugh... it's ok it's only minor..." She pulled herself up and stood against some rubble, looking over to see the birds wing sticking out from under some more rubble. "...that thing was my lead to Emilia... Ugh... Well I don't have to worry about-" The rubbing shifted, Kipo goes silent, and sees the bird stand up like the rubble isn't there, standing completely unharmed. "...It..." The bird looks at Kipo and shows off it's newest addition to it's armor, it's new laser guided missile system. Kipo's eyes widen at the the sight of it, and she sees the heads of the missiles. "Explosive nectar!?" Kipo sees the laser sight activate and point at her, she doesn't have the strength to run. She tears up knowing she's going to die. "Sorry guys... I won't be coming home..." She closed her eyes and waited in suspense for the explosion. Bird was about to fire, but it felt something hit its back, and suddenly a large charge of electricity shocked the bird, it reaches back grabs it, revealing it to be a bunch of mushrooms tied together in a large ball. It throws it away and looks to see Kipo gone.

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