(Back on the ship)Everyone has been worried sick about Kipo, Wolf has tried to after her, but Benson and Dave have prevented her. Molly has been occupying herself by playing with Yumyun, and sharpening her axes. Benson and Dave have been keeping watch in case any Mutes show up, so far it's been peaceful. Song and Lio have been just staring off toward the Island, worried about their daughter. "Why aren't we doing anything!?" Song suddenly shouts. "We've just been sitting here since yesterday, and Kipo has been on that Island with who knows what kinds of creatures!" Lio quickly grabs her shoulders. "Song please, I know you're worried about her, I am too. But-" Song steps back. "But nothing! Our daughter left and is all alone out there, and we're sitting here, just waiting!" Molly steps forward. "Song, please, we're all worried, but you have to remember, Kipo is her own person, who can make her own decisions... we made our decision to stay behind, Kipo might be the only one who can handle what's out there. I know Kipo would want us to stay strong and keep the boat safe." Song calms down and sits. "You're right, Kipo is her own person... but I can't help but worry about-" Suddenly Missile flies down and yells for them. "HEY EVERYONE, KIPO IS ON THE RADIO" Benson yells back. "Yeah, we know she did the interview, Missile." "NO I MEAN THE COMMUNICATION RADIO!"
Song and Lio run to the control room, and song picks up the mic. "HELLO KIPO!?" "Hey mom!" "KIPO! Oh sweetheart, we've been so worried." "I'm sorry, but I just couldn't handle just leaving, I'm sorry." Song sighs. "I-it's alright Kipo, just please, talk to us next time alright?" Kipo didn't respond. "Kipo?" Some static is heard, before Kipo is heard. "Yeah.....lift..... try..... Hel....Hello can you hear me now?" "We can hear you." "Sorry about that, it's hard..... the...... panel..... bad.....Try to your left." "Which ways left?" They hear the new voice, and Lio takes the mic. "Kipo who was that?" "Oh that was-" The signal failed. "Kipo? KIPO!?"
Back on the island
"Hello?" Kipo bangs on the radio. "Rook the signals out!" Rook is holding a dish in his hands, and flies down. "I didn't know that box could talk" Kipo shakes her head playfully. "No Rook, it's a Radio, it transmites and receives electromagnetic waves. The radio uses an electronic current moving back and forth very quickly, and by using a transmitter via an antenna; a receiver can pick up the field and can translate it to the sounds." Rook looks at her like she was speaking a different language. "...It takes a sound, like my voice, from one place, and shoots somewhere else..." Rook looks as if he understands. "Oh, Ok!" Kipo giggles to herself. "Ok. Now that I was able to tell them I'm ok, we can focus on finding Emilia. So... any ideas?" Rook looks at her with confusion. "You mean you don't know where to look?" He looks disappointed. "You mean to tell me, you jumped on to this island, with no idea where to start!?" Kipo puts her hands up in defense. "Hey, first off, no. I had a way to find Emilia, but it was trampled by giant bugs. Second, I was hoping you might know where to look, since you've live here longer." Rook thinks. "Question, what does "Trampled" mean?" Kipo just looks at him and snickers to herself. "Uh, don't worry about it." Rook raised an eyebrow but shrugs. "We can start, by getting to higher ground. You see that tall trees over there?" Kipo looks but all the trees look the same. "Uh... which ones?" "Those with the red fruit." Kipo squint her eyes and tries to see but can't. "Uh..." Rook rolls his eyes, and grabs her hand. "Come on, we should be able to reach it in an hour." Kipo blushed from the hand holding but didn't say anything.
After about thirty minutes of walking Kipo started to slow down. "Ow... ow....ow..." Rook notices her pace has dropped. "Hey what's the hold up?" "My ankle, it still hurts from yesterday." Rook sees her limping and just sighs. "Have to do everything myself... come here!" He gets on one knee. "Huh? What are you doing?" "Climb on to my back, I'll carry you the rest of the way." Kipo blushed harder. "I uh... you sure?" "Yes, now climb on." Kipo would have refused but she was tempted, so giving in, she climbs onto his back, and he stands up started walking. "Do I weigh anything to you?" "No, it's like carrying a couple of berries." They continue to the trees Rook mentioned, and Kipo took this chance to admire the scenery. "You know, when you get past all the danger, and being cautious, this place is actual really pretty and- OH MY GOSH! WHAT IS THAT!?" She suddenly shouted, and pointed to a flock of flying stingray like creatures. "Those are just skyrays, they tend to stay in the water, it's rare to see them in the day." Kipo admires their graceful movements in the sky. "So pretty, and their huge!" Rook chuckled. "Yeah, hey while were at it, can you tell me what your island is like?" Kipo perks up. "Oh sure, I'm from a place called Las Vistas, it's kinda like here, but with more... civilized Mutes." "Do you have giant ones in Las vistas?" "Oh yeah, we call them mega mutes, we have mega bunnies, mega crabs, mega dogs. Then theirs me, the Mega Jaguar!" She pumps her fist in the air, prideful of her own power.
Kipo and the world beyond
AdventureKipo has brought peace to her own world, her home in Las vistas has been brought to peace. But what if she is forced to deal with forces and creatures outside of her understanding, forced to leave her home and travel to understand what the world the...