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[ I am really sorry that there's alot of time skips and stuff. I just want to get to the point (sometimes). Im sorry if you guys find it boring. :( ]






(F/N) have been acting weird lately. She would usually a happy-go-lucky girl but now, she keep on staring at blank spaces. Something is bothering he so much. I need to know pronto.

"(F/N)?" I called out her name, sit beside her on our bed and look at her. She ignored me, still staring blankly at things.

"(F/N)! Snap out of it please. You are making me worried.." I shake her gentle and she jumped. "Y-Yeah Evan? You need something?" She ask and forced a smile. I sigh and place both my hands on eithef sides of her cheeks. She tense up and look down. "Baby.. look at me and tell me what is bothering you.. please" She look at me and her eyes start to water. This thing that is bothering her must be hard for her.


What should I say? I can't tell him about Anna, the twins, Syaq and her wand. Need to find a lie that Evan would believe. I know its bad to lie your husband but .. its for a good cause. Im sorry Evan. Im really am.


(F/N) took a deep breathe and look straight in my eye. "I-Its just that.. S-Syaq and Craig went to a vacation maybe for o-one to two months and i already miss her. I want to know if she is okay over there and stuff. Please understand?" She said and force a smile. It believable. She do care about Syaq and of course she miss her. I sigh and nod. "I understand.. just dont make me be so worried!" I kiss her forehead a couple of times and she giggled. "I love you Evan.. i really do.." she start sobbing and hug me. "I know baby.. i love you too" i chuckled and hug her tighter.



We got our house back and .. well i may or may not kill Tim. Whatever. He is not worth it.

"Should we start my dear?" I said to Becky and she nod. "I cant wait!! Come on mom! Hurry up!" She said and Betty sulk. Twins. "We can finally have money and of course... revenge" i laugh and we run to our backyard.

I point the wand at the sky and shouted the magic words. "I am calling the forces of the universe! Bippity boppity boo!!" Green sparkles shoots out futher to the skies and storm suddenly emerge. I chuckled and wave the wand again. Betty and Becky looked scared and i ignored them.

"Revease the moon and sun. Turn back time and time and unravel (F/N)'s happily ever after to the moment my troubles began!" The thunder is loud and green fog crowd around the three of us. It shows (F/N) and Evan seperated from their hug on the bed and (F/N) and Evan seperated during their wedding. Time is reversed. I stopped the time where its the glass slipper fitting in our house.







"STOP!" i shouted and the three of us appeared in our living room, getting ready for the fitting. "Woah!" Betty and Becky said unison and look around.

Someone knocked on the door and i open it. Its not Syaq since she is a statue. Its just a guard, holding the glass slipper.


I told Becky to try it and she glup. "May we fit it?" The guard ask and Becky nod. The guard forced it in but it doesnt fit because Becky's feet os too big. "Bippity boppity boo" i whispered, pointing to the slipper. The guard push the slipper in and it enlarged. Guess what. It fits!

"OMG MOTHER! IT FITS!" Becky shouted, jumping around and Betty rolled her eyes. The guards eyes widen and just nod slowly. "We found the girl. You hae to follow us" he said and Becky and Betty walk out with them.

"WAIT!" I heard (F/N) shouted and she look at Becky. "Excuse me sir. Let me speak to my.. maid" i smirk and the guards nod, bringing Betty and Becky out of the house.

"What.. How is the slipper.. It fits with Becky?! I am the one dancing with Eva-!" I shut her up and her eyes started to water.

"How did you get out?"

"I pick the lock .." she said looking down. Seems like she gave up. I walk towards the fornt door and look at (F/N).

"(F/N).. dont you ever come to the castle. Stay away from it. Stay away from the prince. Oh and clean the house. Thank you" i smirk and climb into the carriage with my twins and the guards.


I shut the front door and look up. What happen? I was the one and i know it. "Let me help you there (F/N).." my eyes widen and i look down.

"MOUSE?!" i shouted and it calm me down.

"Calm down (F/N).. i am Fred. I have been observing you since the beginning you. I can help you!"

I let him walk up to my hand and we look at each other.







"Tell me how can you help me.."

Love Story the Sequel (Vanossgaming x reader)Where stories live. Discover now