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Chapter 3


"Anna!? What? Why are you here still?!" I said still shocked and confuse. Anna chuckled loudly and smirk at us.

"This is my hometown. Maybe. Just maybe i could rule this village."

"I-I dont understand what are you saying, Anna"

"Let me rephase that. I want to take over your place with one of my daughters of course."


"Yes.. oh and guess what.. its going to happen now!"

She shouted, grabbing me and place her knife on my neck and facing Syaq. She looked shocked and quickly take out her wand. "Let go of (F/N) now before i turn you into an animal and vanish you away from this land!" She shouted pointing at Anna and the wand twinkle. Anna laugh and i saww Becky and Betty sneaking behind Syaq.

"Syaq! Behind you!"

I shouted and she looked behind. It was too late. Becky kick her hand, making the wand fly out frm her hand and Betty kick her stomach. Syaq drop down on the ground and Becky jump, to catch the wand.

"I got it!"

"Throw it to me!"

Anna shouted and catch the wand. She laugh evily, still holding me and point the wand at Syaq as she stand up holding on her stomach.

"Give me back my wand, Anna!"

"Now you cant transform me into an animal.. hmm how about i transform you into a... statue? Any last words?"

Anna said laughing and i could feel tears streaming down my eyes as i look at Syaq. She is shocked. I keep on shouting 'No' but Anna just ignored me.

"(F/N).. please take care of yourselves and Craig for me.. i will miss you"


Anna snickered and wished Syaq for being a statue.

"NOOOO!" I shouted, running towards Syaq. But i was too late.




She is a statue.

Anna and Betty laugh evily while Becky just chuckled. I look at them, with tears streaming down my salty cheeks. "How could you?!" I whispered. Becky looked guilty and Anna and Betty smirked at me.

"Good job girls.. now lets go" Anna chuckled and three of them disappeared. I look at Syaq and started to cry on her hard shoulders.






"(F/N)? Syaq?!"

I look behind to see Craig looking at us. He have his wand in his hand and his expression is shocked. His eyes started to water and he run towards us.

"W-What happen?! (F/N)?!"

"A-Anna came back. Stole her wand. Changed her to s-statue. Syaq, t-tried to save me.. but failed. Im sorry Craig."

He pat my back and stroke Syaq's cheek.

"Why did you came here, Craig?"

"I came here because i could sense that Syaq is in trouble. Ever since she gave me a wand, i could sense when she is in trouble or needed help. I-I guess i came here late."

"You have a wand. Turn her back!"

I shouted and Craig breathe, pointing his wand towards Syaq. He wish a couple of times but it didnt work.

"Craig?.. it didnt work.. why?"

"My wand is not as powerful as her wand. Only her wand could unwish it. I tried (F/N).. i tried"

"Im sorry Craig .. its okay .."

"(F/N). Just go back to your castle. About Syaq. I will tell everyone in my castle that we are going vacation. If Evan need me, just say that i am having a vacation is Syaq. Do not. I repeat. Do not tell anyone about this. Please becareful with Anna. Syaq's wand is powerful. The person that is holding the wand is dangerous."

I nod and hug him. We release our hug and look at Syaq. "Stay strong Syaq.. i will get your wand back no matter what. I will miss you" i kiss her cheek and step back. "See you soon (F/N).." Craig said smiling softly at me and disappeared with Syaq.


I reach Evan's and my room and hold the knob. Tears started to stream down my cheeks and i quickly wipe it away. "(F/N).. Breathe. Don't cry." I whispered and open up the door.

Evan is tapping his hand on the table. He looks worried. "(F/N)? Where have you been? Im so worried!" He walk up to me and kiss my forehead. I forced a smile and look at him. "Im fine.. i was at Syaq's castle. It was a blast. Don't worry. I am here. Safe.and sound baby" i chuckled and walk to my bed. "Are you sure?" I nod and kiss his cheek. "Im just tired. Lets go to sleep" he nod and join in with me on the bed.

Really hope Syaq and Craig are alright. Anna, Betty and Becky are gonna pay on what they have done. I wonder what are they going to do with the wand. I have a really bad feeling that it is going to be bad.

[ So sorry if it is short and bad so far.. :( ]

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