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          Diana Kingston despised school, she was one to never pay much attention to it

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Diana Kingston despised school, she was one to never pay much attention to it. She still studied and cared about her grades, of course, but she'd never reach to be the top of her classes—that was more of a Paris Geller type of thing to do—instead, Diana had more important things to focus on as she thought.

The only reason she got into Chilton was because of her parents whose whole lives revolve around the family business. From the start, she was almost seen as a child prodigy from the second she left her mother's womb. Her parents loved her, of course, but they loved the idea of perfection. They always pushed Diana to be top at the class, which she'd always yell at herself about too, but she was never like that. She was never at the top of her classes, her grade point average could never reach a 4.0, and she definitely did not enjoy anything about related to the idea of education. One of the only things she found comfort in was music. Diana's best specialty was playing the strings of an acoustic guitar and her favorite, pressing down on the sweet keys on a grand piano.

When Diana was little, her parents weren't always around because of the multiple business trips they went on every month, but she always had her grandfather to watch over her. He was the one to teach her how to play music on instruments. When she got her first guitar, she fell in love. Once her hands got on the instrument, you'd catch her playing songs almost every minute of the day. It was sad to say that her parents were barely ever there to listen to her play one song for them, but it was whatever for the little girl now. Present time Diana would prefer to play the keys on a piano than listen to her parents argue about something she wouldn't know shit about. Hell, she probably knew more songs on the keys than know how many times her parents left the state in one year. This was something she was already used to though. Her life was simple, really.

Honestly, Diana wasn't that interesting of a girl, she never broke rules, she's never had a boyfriend or girlfriend, and she certainly never got jealous of anyone. That is until she found herself hiding behind a wall of the administration office because of her friends' curiousity.

"Please, Geller? You seriously have to do all this?" Diana asked the dirty blonde. Currently, her and her friends sat on the floor behind the bushes, all except Giselle who stood with her back against the brick wall to avoid any dirt from getting on her. The five of them had one goal, which was to get the file of the new girl who caught their eyes that morning. Diana and Giselle didn't care much about her, but of course Louise, Madeline, and mostly Paris noticed something about the girl that fused the jealous spark in them.

"Yeah, and can you hurry it up? I'm starting to get weird stares just by standing here." Giselle added.

"Which is why you should sit down before we get caught." Paris glared at her, making the brunette give up and sit down like the rest of them. "And yes, who knows? If she got into Chilton, then there's obviously something I—we need to be looking out for."

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