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002 vinyls, brownies, & cute boys

          "Fucking finally!" The first words that left Diana's mouth as she walked out of Chilton's front doors

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"Fucking finally!" The first words that left Diana's mouth as she walked out of Chilton's front doors. The school day had just ended and after a long day spent listening to Paris complain about Rory's—which she found out was her name an hour ago—existence. Their last class ended off with Rory ruining Paris' project, so obviously that turned out to be a mess and made the blonde hate Rory even more than she already did.

"You know it's only Monday, right?" Tristan spoke from her side, with his hands in both pockets.

Jokingly, she pushed his shoulder, making him laugh. "Fuck off."

A silence fell upon the two of them as they were walking towards Tristan's car. Diana sat in the passengers seat with her bag on her lap and looked at the boy in front of the wheel.


He looked at her weirdly before getting the car engine ready, "So?"

"So, how's getting with Rory going?"

"Oh, the Mary? Yeah, she's great. Definitely great." The sarcasm in his voice was quite obvious from the way he said it and Diana caught on quickly.

She hummed, "She rejected you, huh?"

"Rejected me? Nah. That doesn't happen to me, have you seen me—"

"Shut up."

"—Well no, she didn't reject me for your information. You just have to wait for her to warm up to me." He shrugged, "I'm going with the flow, you know?"

She laughed, "Going with the flow." She mocked, "That's just your way of saying you have no chance, dumbass."

"You do know I have an easy chance of dropping you off on the side of the road, right here, right now, right?" Stopping at a red light, he turned his head to look at the girl on his right.

She made eye contact with him and smiled, "Yeah, but you would have already done that years ago." He smirked at her statement, only because he knew he would've never done that to her in a million years (or ever, as a fact).

A comfortable silence fell upon the both of them as Tristan drove into the more crowded side of town where all the stores and cafes were. Diana leaned back into her headrest as she eyed out the window, it was a pretty decent weather to be out and about, so the girl spoke out about an idea she thought about for a while now.

"Hey, wait," The boy hummed in response as he kept his focus on the road. "Can you make a quick stop at the record shop?" She pointed towards a little shop not that far from them, which had the words 'Zak's Vinyl & Record Shack' on a sign above the doors.

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