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005    love-hate

          "You know, I'm kind of starting to hate chocolate brownies now

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          "You know, I'm kind of starting to hate chocolate brownies now." Diana attempted to let out a few words with her mouth full.

"You sure? You might have to rethink that after you finish chewing the rest of the brownies in your mouth." Her best friend giggled at her as she tried to hide her cough from swallowing too quickly.

She swallowed and rested a hand on her stomach and the other on Giselle's shoulder. "I really do have a love-hate relationship with this event, I feel like I'm gonna be sick."

Currently, the two and other fellow students were at Chilton where the Annual Bake Sale was being held; An event where families of students come to show off their pastries and drinks for the foundation at the school.

To be honest, there was only one reason Diana and Giselle were attending and that was specifically for the cheap snacks. Giselle, a few times before, actually had her own stand where she sold some of her famous chocolate and butter croissants—being a baker after all, she'd enjoy being able to put a smile on people's faces with something she created herself. Diana, on the other hand, didn't have any related reason to be there. No parents around or any baking talents to help her situation out. Therefore, Giselle took the time off this new year to spend time with her best friend, eating all the sweets they were to acquire.

"Slow down, let's find you something to drink." They walked a little further before spotting a lemonade stand these two ladies were behind, "Hi, hello! We'd just like one cup, please—" Giselle was cut off by another woman who took some lemonade and splashed it over the small fire on the table cloth.

The four women stared in confusion.

"Hi." The woman nervously laughed, "Oh, well, what is that? A dollar? Let me just give you, let me find you a dollar. Um, you know what? I'll take two— I'll drink one." She drank from her cup and hummed, "Tasty and flame-retardant." Looking to her left, she finally spotted the two teenage girls awkwardly waiting, "Oh, sorry, you know what? Make it three! Another one for the girls over here for the mishaps."

Awkwardly laughing, "Um, thank you? You didn't have to, but we'll gladly take the free drink." Diana smiled with thin lips and downed the fresh lemonade.

The lady smiled one last time and turned away to her own table. The girls looked at each other before breaking into a laughter, "I am so confused right now."

Diana giggled before her eyes landed on a specific, freckled face. "That's Rory, right?"

The Asian hummed, "Oh, yeah. We should talk to her, come on!"

"Wait, what—"

"Hi! We haven't formally met yet, but I'm Giselle and this is my best friend..." Pointing at the other for a response.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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