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003 memories

          "Ah! Feels good to be back in my second home

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"Ah! Feels good to be back in my second home." Diana said with open arms once she stepped into the Dugray household. The rich smell hitting her nose, it was obvious that Miss Park had been around. Miss Park was basically the Dugray's housekeeper. She's been around ever since Tristan and Diana were just born into the world. Since Diana was always coming over, it was lucky enough to say that her and Miss Park, or Anika (as she likes to call her), had created a special friendship. "Anika's here, isn't she?"

"Miss Kingston! You're back," A new voice came into the room, "And still looking beautiful I see."

"Anika!" Diana giggled as she pulled the lady into a small hug, "It's been years, you really don't have to call me so formally."

The Asian woman's eyes sparkled as she looked into Diana's features, "I know, but I just want to let you know how mature of a woman you're growing up to be." Diana parted her lips in 'awe.'

"Okay, well that's something I guess. But i'll be in my room if you need anything." Tristan interrupted and began walking up the stairs.

The girl rolled her eyes at him and looked back at the older woman, "Well, you know how he is. We'll be upstairs though, it was great seeing you again, Anika!" She said with a big smile. Walking up the staircase, behind the boy's trail, she headed towards his bedroom. The room was definitely owned by a boy as it was filled with T-shirts layed all around, dark red painted walls, and posters of multiple music artists he listened to. Only thing that was different from a regular teenage boy's room were the bookshelves that sat in the corner of the room, plus multiple used-up journals on top of his desk.

As Diana stepped foot inside, she felt the smell of expensive cologne of his reach up to her nose and scrunched up her nose. "Haven't been here in a while... looks like you haven't changed."

"Changed? It's only been a few months since you've been over, why would I have changed?" He answered from the edge of his bed.

Noticing the mess on his desk, she walked towards it to find a red journal and torn-up paper on the side, with a bunch of different types of pens and pencils scattered. Ever since the two were kids, she knew he was a decent guy, mostly kept his feelings to himself, barely ever broke down, and if he were to be caught up in something, Tristan wouldn't confront you about it. Instead, he would bottle up his thoughts and write it in a journal. He was a writer and most guys weren't like that, so having this as one of his escapes from reality was something Diana loved dearly.

"You still write?"

He hummed, "Every now and then, I guess." The blonde walked over and grabbed the journal before she look into it.

"You ever gonna let me see what's inside?" She tilted her head.

Chuckling, "Maybe, maybe not," He placed the journal in his bedside drawer. "I'll think about it."

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