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          Staring at my paper with a circled 'B' on it, Diana shrugged, clearly used to getting this grade on an essay

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Staring at my paper with a circled 'B' on it, Diana shrugged, clearly used to getting this grade on an essay.

Saved by the bell, everybody immediately started packing up to get away from Mr. Medina's talk about the next test.

"Hard paper," Paris spoke up to the friend group.


"How'd you do?"


"Me too."

"Small world."

"Isn't it?" Looking at Madeline and Diana, "Madeline, what'd you get?"

"You know I got a B."

They all looked over at Diana, "When have I ever got anything other than a B in this class?"

"A 'B's' not bad, respectable even." The two girls tried to make them feel better, but she honestly couldn't care less about the grade she got. "A 'D,' however, that would be cause for concern."

Diana inhaled, not liking how Paris was obviously trying to make Rory feel even worse. So she chose not to watch or butt in, she just walked out of the class.

"Diana!" Jumping at the sudden scream, she put a hand over her chest.

"Holy shit—Giselle!" The energetic girl had an apologetic look on her face, "Calm down."

"Sorry, it's just..." Diana eyes her weirdly as the girl puts both hands on her shoulders, "Look at me."

Her eyebrows furrowed, "I'm looking?"

"No! I mean, look at me. Notice anything different?"

Diana squinted and stared at her from her hair to her heels and back up. "Shaved your mustache—?"

"Wrong! Wait what—Mustache?" Giselle gasped, feeling above her upper lip.

"Giselle, I'm joking, what were you talking about?"

She frowned, "You think I have a mustache?"

Diana raised her eyebrows before laughing at her friend, "Babe, trust me, you have the cleanest face anyone's ever seen."

Giselle's eyes lit up before shaking her head, remembering what she was saying, "Right! Diana, there's nothing different about me and that's the problem." The Asian noticed the obvious confusion on her face and continued, "Story time! I tried making a move on this cute guy, right? But I don't think he understood 'cause he didn't even try to flirt back!"

The younger giggled at her best friend as she groaned, "Well, what'd you say?"

"Um. We don't have to worry about that..." Giselle, embarrassingly, tried to forget the memory of her accidentally spilling their chemistry lab project all over him and the table and afterwards, trying to get a date with him as an apology. "...But, like, why couldnt he just notice that I want him?"

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