Changing Pace

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(Y/n)'s POV

I can't help but have a feeling of dread. I didn't see me being called up to Ozpin's office. Having the future change suddenly always throws me for a loop, but this feels different. As the elevator rises, I grow more and more anxious. After what feels like an eternity, the elevator stops and opens

Miss Aquila-Rose. Thank you for coming.

Of course, Professor Ozpin. May I ask what this is about?

Of course. I've noticed that you have gotten quite close to Team JNPR.

I have. I do believe I have a great synergy with them.

That much is clear. But what of Team RWBY? I do recall assigning you to both teams.

You did, sir. The story behind that is that I don't see myself being comfortable with that team.

Personal quarrels aside, I asked you to work with both.

Personal quarrels? Whatever could you mean?

I do not have all the details, but I can make assumptions. Nevertheless, I expect you to attempt to work with them. And you will start as soon as possible.

Understood, professor.

I hear that they will be going into Vale this afternoon. Perhaps you will run into them there. You are dismissed.

Thank you.

I return to the elevator. I don't need my semblance to figure out how this will go

* * *

I'm sorry you have to deal with them. If it ever gets to be too much, you can always call me. I'll stay on for as long as you need me. Beyond that, if I'm not sure you're okay yet.

I know, dad.

Anything I can do to help you settle in better?

No, but thanks for asking.

Want a hug?

I glare at him as he outstretches his arms. After a second, I sigh and give in as he pulls me into his embrace

I know you are more than strong enough to get through this. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

I love you, dad.

Love you too, (Y/n).

We stay there until we hear the door open

I guess we're the ones to find your workplace first.

All of Team RWBY come in. Today is just going to be awful, isn't it?

Well, we can finally get Nora to stop going on about it. Honestly, I don't see why you weren't just up front about where you worked.

She gives Sissel a dirty look

Though I suppose I can see why you may be embarrassed.

I'm pretty sure Dad knew I was seconds away from leaping over the counter because he put a hand on my shoulder to calm me. Doesn't make me want to fight her any less

You four must be Team RWBY. (Y/n) has told me quite a bit about you.

Only good thing, I hope.

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