A Goal | Prologue

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I wanted to put New Life 2 Electric Boogaloo, but I decided against it
(Y/n) POV

Roman does actually pay well, and working with him has given some good side effects. You get training in your semblance and find out interesting things like how the reason my aura was always depleting was because I never stopped using my semblance. Now my aura never shatters, and I'm not constantly bombarded with the future of whatever I'm looking at.

That doesn't change the fact that he doesn't call often enough to keep me from petty theft. One such time, I took a loaf of bread from some rabbit Faunus. He was pretty persistent, but he couldn't beat the fact that I knew his every move. Once I've lost him, I relax and start eating the loaf.

That bread would be better with something with it, wouldn't it?


I get up and try to run, but he grabs me before I can get far

Not again.

You know, I've heard about you. Some kid appeared out of nowhere offering fortunes and can't get caught when once they start running away.

Congratulations, you caught me. How did you find me after I lost you?

Your aura. I'm rusty but still managed.

Good for you. Any chance you'll just let this go?

Nope. You got any parents?

Because everything about me screams beloved child. Listen... Sissel, I'm sure... Why would you do that?

Oh, is this one of your fortunes?

Not the point. Why would you take me in?

Because a kid shouldn't have to beg and steal for food, and I have the room.

I don't trust that.

You're awfully skeptical for a kid.

I have to be with the life I live.

Haha! Fair enough. You're still coming with me.

He kidnaps me and takes me to his cafe, and my stomach grumbles as the smell from today's baking fills my nose

I'm guessing you're hungry.

No, I just steal bread recreationally, but I was thinking about going pro in a year or two.

Well, why don't you stay with me? Can you really turn down free room and board?

Definitely, want to see?

Not particularly. Got any allergies?


Good, stay here, and I'll be back.

He heads into the kitchen as I look around. Nothing is obviously wrong. It's a nice cafe. Not small, but not large enough to ever feel crowded. And there's enough windows where if something did happen, I could get someone's attention.

Sissel comes back with two ham & cheese sandwiches.

Hope you don't mind, I just thought that you'd be fine with something quick and simple.

It's fine.

I start eating. It's delicious, but I'd never admit it.

So tell me about yourself.

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