Never a dull moment

762 27 3

(Y/n) POV

While we think of ways to uncover what the White Fang's plot is, school refuses to wait its turn. It's not too bad. I get to look into Cinder and the other two. Except for the fact that they seem to be avoiding me like the plague. Roman must have told them about me. Even in class, they try to stay out of my sight. It's really annoying.

(Y/n), are you alright? You've seemed weirdly focused on something recently.

Hmm? Oh, I'm fine. I'm just trying to follow a hunch.

A hunch?

Yeah, it's been hard, but it's probably nothing to worry over.

I don't think you realize that you being unsure about anything is worrying for the rest of us.

No comment.

Can I help? It could be bad if you were distracted if something came up.

Of course, she was talking about the coming plan, and, of course, she's right about me needing to focus. But I know that those three are up to no good. Whatever it is is much bigger than Roman's usually schemes, and I don't like the feel of it

Nah, it's just a hunch. Don't worry about it. I'll be ready if something else comes up.

In the arena, the match ends.

Alright, the next match will be between (Y/n) Aquila-Rose of Team ARST and Yang Xiao Long of Team RWBY.

Mmm... Don't like that.

Are you going to be okay?


Yang is already heading down to the arena, and I do the same

Heh, just like old times.

You're wrong.


I said that you're wrong. This is nothing like back then. Now. Now, I can protect myself.


Yeah, right!

She rushes at me and throws a right hook that I duck under and return a gut punch. She barely flinches and brings her hands together to slam into me. I roll out of her reach right before she brings them down,

While she's committed to the swing, I pull out (W/n) and use it to sweep her legs before stomping on her torso to bring her to the ground faster. I follow up with shooting an ice arrow at her right hand and left leg

I could end the match here, but I am going to prove to you that I'm not the same kid you used to beat on. You're nothing to me now.

I see her eyes turn red as I walk away from her. She uses her other hand to blast the ice around her hand and leg as I switch (W/n) into a scythe. She immediately rushes me, and I hit her nose with the shaft of (W/n) before spinning it around and hitting her in the head with the back of the scythe, stunning her long enough to infuse the blade with fire dust and spinning it all the way around and hitting her with a upward slice, blowing her back. I approach her and brace myself

She throws a punch that I block with the broad side of the blade, and she fires, trying to knock me off balance. She goes for another, but I block it just as easily before kicking her in the leg. She kneels, and I go for her head, nearly shattering her aura

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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