Pre Birth By Sleep

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Terra, Aqua, and Ven were all currently training against one another outside on the training grounds.

Terra and Ven were clashing keyblades and seemed to be evenly matched until Terra got the upper hand by exploiting an obvious opening in Ven's stance. With one strike he was able to knock the keyblade out of his hand and force Ven on his back.

"Ouch," Ven said rubbing his back.

Terra just laughed as he held his hand out to help Ven up.

"That was great, you're improving Ven you lasted much longer than last time."

Ven just sighed "Still though I know I can do a lot better."

At this point, Aqua walked up to the boys "He's right Ven, you're getting better at recognizing the patterns of your opponent and being able to counter them. It just takes time; you need to stop being so hard on yourself."

"Well, it is Terra, after all, of course, it would be easy to remember his patterns," Ven said teasingly already back to smiling, causing Aqua to laugh

"Hey just remember who knocked you on your back just now," Terra said jokingly with a smile.

"Aqua, Terra, Ventus"

All three immediately straightened once they heard the voice of their Master approaching them.

"Master Eraqus," all three said in acknowledgment.

He smiled at how diligent his students have been at training, soon the time will come for Aqua and Terra to take their mark of mastery exam and he had hope that both will pass and become true masters.

"I'm glad to see your training is going well, but I must put a hold on your training for now. There is a situation that I need to talk to all three of you about."

All three of them just looked at one another sharing curious but also worried expressions.

Seeing their worried looks "I assure you the situation as of now is not a dire one, but it will provide the three of you, especially you Aqua, with another companion."

"Another Keyblade wielder will be training with us, that's awesome," Ven said already excited at the prospect of making a new friend.

Master Eraqus just shakes his head "Not quite, come let us sit, and we will discuss this further."

All four of them sat on the stone seats right outside the castle.

"So, have any of you heard of summoners before."

"Summoners?" Ven asked and by his tone did not know what Master Eraqus was talking about.

Aqua moved forward a bit in her seat "Wait a minute aren't summoners powerful Mages from long ago, I heard they are the reason why magic is the way it is now."

Master Eraqus just nods his head

"Yes, they are powerful mages indeed, but a summoner is so much more than the magic that they can perform. Like us Keyblade wielders, they too seek to protect the light from the darkness but unlike us who use the keyboard, they have a unique way of battling through their summons. The Summoners are connected to a unique world filled with various creatures they can call into the world to aid them in battle"

Aqua looked intrigued by this information "None of that was ever mentioned in my readings."

"Didn't they just sort of disappear as time went on?" Terra asked only vaguely remembering reading about them in his studies.

"Because it's been meant to be kept secret, you see many people including keyblade wielders of the past have tried to extort the power of the summoner for their own gain as each time a summoner makes a connection to a familiar the more powerful, they become. Unfortunately, 50 years ago a creature that was dubbed by the name of Sin by the people destroyed a vast population of Summoners who tried to stop the beast."

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