Master Xehanort Part 1

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Terra stood off to the side watching as Senna and Ven sat on the grass looking for constellations. He couldn't help but smile as she told Ven the stories behind each constellation they found, the way her face lit up with each story she told. This has been the norm for the past few days, she has since all but taken over his magic training once Master Eraqus saw he was improving much more under her than he was with either him or Aqua. Terra was proud that he got more than the fundamental basics down, and once she was satisfied, she started to teach him how to meld them together with his physical attacks. He was surprised by the complexity of it all, they ended up melding a Blizzard spell together with his Quick Blitz attack, to make Blizzard Edge. While it was a physical attack with his keyblade, it was cloaked in Ice, and when he made a jumping attack to the ground ice would then burst from the ground to deal additional damage.

"The longer you stare, the creepier it gets"

Terra turned around and saw Aqua smirking at him as she walked over to him.

"I wasn't staring" Terra stated, though he bit the inside of his cheek in embarrassment.

Aqua obviously didn't believe him "So, you going to explain what the two of you were doing the other day you know with your shirt off."

"I told you before, she was just healing some sore muscles from mine and your previous training. That's all." Terra insisted, not understanding why Aqua was trying to make it into something it was not.

"She's certainly made an impact on you, just a couple of days of training in magic with her, and look at the improvement you've made. Even Master was surprised."

Terra huffed a bit "Well I suppose she's been more patient with me, or maybe it's the way she teaches."

"Ouch," Aqua said putting a hand over her heart, but by the tone, she wasn't too upset by the comment.

Terra chuckled "I never did ask how your magic lesson with Senna went."

"Great, I can see why summoners were so revered for their magic. She went over melding commands as well as command styles, she even encouraged us to make up some of our own. I'm working on a Diamond Dust command, which activates when I use more of my Blizzard-related magic."

"Yeah, she also recommends that I do the same. I have some ideas, but nothing solid yet. She always tells me to focus on the magic that speaks more to be personally."

Aqua couldn't help but take a wisecrack "Let me guess stuff earth-related since you're so hard-headed."

"Hey, it will be like me saying water is your specialty because of your hair and name"

"Touche, but you didn't exactly disagree with me either."

Terra just shakes his head, and notices that Ven is walking up to them.

"Hey, how was the star gazing," Aqua asks.

Ven just smiled with his goofy smile as he put his hands behind his head "Great, Senna and I found multiple constellations. Some of them can even be used as a way to predict one's personality based on one's birth, I think she said they are called Zodiac signs. We even tried to guess what each other's signs were."

"Oh, really what did you guys come up with," Terra asked intrigued.

"Well, you two I think we pinned down pretty well. Terra, we think he's a Taurus, it's represented by creatures called a bull due to their stubborn natures and tempers."

Aqua couldn't help but chuckle, as Terra sighed and mumbled "Of course."

"That's not all, personality-wise They have perseverance and you can always count on them. I think that suits you, and Senna agreed as well."

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