The Night Before Part 2

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Ven made his way outside towards the training grounds as he looked up at the sky not wanting to miss a second of the meteor shower.

"Wow," he said as he stopped in his tracks for a brief moment to admire as a few more came raining down in the sky.

He quickly took off again for his usual spot by the edge of the training grounds and was happy to see Senna was already there sitting on the ground, though she seemed focused on something in her hands.


Senna looked up from what she was doing with a smile on her face "You're surprisingly late tonight."

"Sorry I fell asleep after my lessons, more tired than I thought I was," he said as he sat next to her on the grass.

That was when he noticed that in her hands, he saw a few gems in various shapes and colors.

"What are those" he asked curiously.

Senna looked back at her hands "As of now I'm calling them Summoning Gems, ever since that boy in the masked attacked and made his threats, I've been working to find a way to not only be able to summon all my familiars at once, but also have a way to put them somewhere safe until I can find a way to let them stay in this world permanently."

"Where did you find the gems" he asked looking at two red and green gems in her hands with fascination.

"Well, they aren't technically real gems, to put it simply I took a few rocks and imbued my magic into them. Since my familiars are tied to me, I was able to construct each gem based on each individual familiar."

She holds up the red gem, which shape looks like a long sharp tooth "This one represents Red."

"That's perfect for him, he's so cool and intimidating and that scar on his right eye makes me even look tougher."

Ven was happy to see even more of her familiars, and while Red was gruff and a bit mistrusting at first, he turned out to be a really nice creature and told Ven he gave better scratches than Senna did.

"I know Red is still sensitive over his eye, but I think he would agree with that sentiment." Senna chuckled put down the gem and proceeded to hold up the green gem that was in the shape of a feather.

Ven couldn't help but blush knowing exactly who that gem represents "That's for Seraph, right."

When Senna first summoned Seraph, Ven didn't expect to see a humanoid bird-like creature, whose feathers really only covered the most important areas of her body. Ven was well aware of the differences between males and females, and he tried to be respectful by keeping his focus more on her face. Luckily Aqua and Terra were there to help with that.

"Exactly, I was hoping the shape would be more of a harp since she likes to play often, but it didn't turn out like I hoped."

While he liked all the familiars, she was able to summon, Seraph was the one that had the most calming presence and when she played her harp it was like his mind was all cleared of his worries.

"So do you got ones made for the others as well" Ven asked impressed with how smart Senna was in creating her magical spells and objects.

"They're all still a work in progress, but hopefully I'll be able to test them out soon."

Ven was going to respond, but suddenly a few more shooting stars appeared and he couldn't help but get distracted by the sight.

They fell into a comfortable silence as they both watched the meteor shower and Ven soon found himself closing his eyes more tired than he thought.

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