Something is Not Right

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Terra woke up earlier than he usually would have, which he knew was just because he was off and on sleep throughout the night. He couldn't stop thinking about Senna and wondering how she was feeling. Consciously or not, he soon found himself making his way over to the training grounds, as the sun was slowly starting to rise.

"Always seems like I'm the one responsible," he said to himself, remembering the time when he first met Ventus.

(Flashback- 4 years ago)

Both Terra and Aqua were in the throne room, just practicing new moves with their keyblades when they heard the door from below starting to open. Terra and Aqua quickly went over to the balcony looked down and saw two unfamiliar figures enter. 

The older one was a bald old man with a silver goatee and pointed ears. He wore a white and black coat, over a white shirt and while his hands were behind his back, Terra could tell he was wearing white gloves. The young boy next to him had blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He wore a jacket that was half white on the right and black on the left. It unsettled both of them a bit seeing the sad and almost empty expression on the young boy's face.

Terra looked further below and saw Master Eraqus waiting for them, so he could only assume they must have been acquaintances with him. He saw the older man approach Master Eraqus and share a few words before the two of them started walking away, leaving the younger one behind.

Aqua turns her head back up to Terra "That boy- is he ok?"

"I'll go see," Terra said already turning around and making his way down.

The closer Terra got to the boy, he got more concerned seeing the blank and empty look in his eyes.

He was going to reach his hand out in gesture, but he could tell it didn't seem like the boy would be receptive at first.

"I'm Terra. What's your name?"

The boy lifted his head a bit before saying in a defeated tone "Ventus."

"Whew you can talk," Terra said relieved.

Terra then turned around and looked up at Aqua "Aqua C'mere"

Aqua smiled and laughed, looking like the boy was all right after all.

She quickly made her way down the stairs and quickly introduced herself "Hi, I'm Aqua."

"Terra... Aqua...."

Terra couldn't help but be curious about this boy and wondering why he was there.

"So, are you here to train with us? Where you from? Who was that man with you?"

Neither Terra nor Aqua noticed the more Terra started to ask the more pain Ventus started to feel.

"You good with a keyblade?"

It was at this question, that Ventus let out a painful scream as he fell onto his knees and held his head. Both Terra and Aqua raced forward to him in shock.

"Woah, what's the matter"

"Are you okay?

Suddenly Master Eraqus's voice rang out reprimanding both of his students "What did you do."

They turned around and saw Master Eraqus and his acquaintance walking towards them, with the old man going to Ventus, who by this point had passed out.

"Nothing, I- just asked him some stuff," Terra said already feeling bad he didn't know the boy was going to have a reaction like that to him asking some harmless questions, or at least he thought were harmless.

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