The Mark of Mastery Exam

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Senna highly considered skipping the whole exam altogether, she had this pit in her stomach that told her not to go. Though she knew she couldn't bail out now, she didn't want to disappoint her friends on their big day, but something terrible was about to happen and it seemed it was going to happen sooner rather than later.

She looked down at the Wayfinder clutched in her hands, brought it up to her chest, and held it close. Praying with everything she had, to whatever god was listening to just let everything turn out ok, she didn't know how she would survive should something happen to her friends.

She looked out as the sun rose higher and higher into the sky, she knew it was time to go, there was no more time to waste as the exam would be starting within an hour

When she got to the dining room for breakfast, she wasn't surprised to see Ven was the only one there.

"I take it Aqua and Terra must have had an early breakfast before the exam," Senna said as she took a seat next to him.

Ven just smiled at her as he took a bite of his oatmeal "Guess so, man they are going to ace it with flying colors."

Seeing Ven's happy expression, caused her to flashback to that vision where his body was completely frozen, and looked terrified as he was unable to move anything but his eyes.

It confused her why anyone would want to hurt Ven, he was one of the purest people she had ever met, and it wasn't hard to get along with him. This whole vision has her questioning what exactly happened between Master Xehanort and Ven, and this apparent connection he has to the boy in the mask.

She couldn't help but shudder when thinking about Terra, it was scary seeing his blue eyes quickly change to yellow, the same as Master Xehanort. There were so many questions, but no way to get an answer because she logically knows yellow eyes are a sign of giving into the darkness, but she still holds on to the belief that having darkness doesn't make someone necessarily evil.

"Senna you ok, you've been staring at your food for quite a while," Ven asked breaking her out of her thoughts.

"Sorry Ven, just thinking is all. I had a dream last night, it felt so real and vivid I guess I'm just questioning it a bit" Senna replied trying to be as honest as possible but not wanting to go into details yet.

The reaction she wasn't expecting, was Ven sighing in relief.

"That's good to hear, sometimes I have dreams like that as well. Like was any of it for real or not? I have never told Terra or Aqua about them because-"

"You're afraid they wouldn't understand" I finished for him, being able to relate to that perfectly well.

"Exactly, and I trust everyone here with my whole heart, but these dreams frighten me so much that I can't find myself talking about them out loud and I know Terra and Aqua would just tell me there is nothing to be worried about and that it's only dreams. Is it like that for you.?"

I nibbled on my toast before answering "Yeah exactly like that, it's making me start to question my sanity because these dreams or visions whatever they may be are affecting me even when I'm awake. I want to be able to tell you guys because they do involve all of you, but I don't even know where to start because I can't even make sense of it myself."

Both of them remained silent, neither one knowing what to say in their strange predicament, they both wanted to say what was on their mind, but that fear held them back from saying it.

"Well how about after the exam the two of us tell each other about the dreams we have been having, maybe we can help each other figure out what they mean" Ven offered with his usual brand of optimism.

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