001||Earned it

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Chapter 001



"MUM! LOOK HURRY!" Nova's voice echoed through the house, before she knew it her whole family came barging in.

"Nova, if you raise your voice agai-" her mum began scolding her till she got interrupted when she saw the letter in Nova's hand, which read out 'Academy of Arts University'.

Her family crowded around her, watching her rip it apart. As she read the letter, the three of them hovered over her, pressing down on the desk chair which she sat on.

Her smile grew, knowing she had achieved what she worked for, all her life. Knowing it could've ended badly, she couldn't help but take out her excitement on her older brother by shaking him by his arms, laughing hysterically, which ended up with him barging her off of him, lesson learned.

"thank god," she muttered, throwing her head back in relief.



SHE WAS THE only girl in her family besides her mother. Her parents had been separated since she was 8 years old but she had never gotten a reason why, but she had learned not to ask.

ever since, she had not heard from her dad since, but it never affected her as she never had a proper relationship with him, so for now it was just the four of them.

she had two brothers, Kai and Zain, sometimes she did wish she had a sister as her brothers had always been overly protective of her... not complaining but sometimes it got too much being the youngest child.

many believed that she was the center of attention, it was true but not in a good way. She'd always be looked after and never get to grow up. It was almost like her life was already shaped for her.

kai was a dropout, however, Zain was in his second year of university at a medical school in London.

kai lived about 20 minutes away so he occasionally picked up Zain from his dorm and drove to visit their mother's house to keep them both company on certain holidays, like this Christmas. They usually visit for a month before the occasion but it didn't feel like christmas at all, they might even come across a heatwave later this week.

𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒, marcus rashfordWhere stories live. Discover now