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Chapter 004



I TWISTED IN bed, noticing the change of lighting in the room as suddenly the bright rays of the sun hadn't been blazing into my eyes. slowly, i came to my senses and my eyes flicked open finding zain hovering over me like a hawk with my phone in his hand.

My eyes squinted at him, finding him too indulged in the screen of my phone. "zain?" i croaked out tiredly as his eyes quickly moved to mine.

"so, you're finally awake?"

"yes, i overslept..." but my words were cut off by his smirk which i found very suspicious. "what? what'd i do?" my eyebrows furrowed at him.

His smirk only grew as he replied, "you fell asleep with marcus rashford's contact in your phone." at that i sat up quickly, finding the sun rays on me to be much more annoying. i groaned, "i swear its not what it looks like."

"what does it look like then?" he teased back, "because i'm pretty sure the two of you had a good chat last night. what'd you guys talk about?"

"why are you acting so casual, i thought you'd go crazy over him" i huffed, ending it with a light chuckle.

"i mean, i literally saw him the other night when we went out for dinner" he shrugged.


He chuckled at my reaction, "yeah, but like... it's not like i would've imagined that you'd be talking to him the next day" he smirked mischievously. 

"oh god" i sighed, "okay, i know it sounds bad but, i promise, i didn't flirt with him. at least i think i didn't." i said the last sentence as a question, "maybe, i accidentally flirted with him."

He chuckled as he tried to hold in his laughter, "okay, okay. you flirted with him then. i bet he flirted back as well, right?" at that i groaned, "i mean, it's marcus rashford, who wouldn't be tempted to flirt with him?" he continued

"true that" i agreed, laughing. "well, he was just casual i guess... i mean, i don't know im not that good at reading people i've just met"

He chuckled at my defense. "i mean, for someone who's terrible at reading people, you seem to have gotten awfully close to marcus in such a little amount of time" he teased.

"whatever" i disclosed the conversation, rolling my eyes. "just... please don't tell mum or kai?"

His eyebrows furrowed as if he was contemplating whether or not to share the news and then sighed after a few seconds, "alright, i won't tell anyone" he smiled, "happy?"


His face quickly changed to a curious one, cutting me off. "actually... i've got a request" he smirked

"zain." i scolded,

"when you go on that little date you've arranged, i need you to get my shirt signed by him" he grinned, showing his toothy smile.

"no way. besides how'd you even know he's taking me out?" i questioned, slightly weirded out.

"i'm not a complete idiot, i read your texts earlier" he chuckled.

"don't go through my things without permission again, you weirdo" i groaned, annoyed.

"whatever" he smirked, "now you've gotta get marcus rashford to sign my shirt for me" he teased.

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