027||Promise ring

336 12 2

Chapter 027



NOVA APPROACHED HIM, her gaze drawn towards the flowers he had set up on the beach. A sense of surprise and delight washed over her as she finally realized that Marcus had been behind the surprise all along. 

She hadn't expected him to be the one who had planned everything, especially after the previous conflict they had experienced but it seemed now that Marcus had taken it upon himself to show his affection and love in a truly remarkable way.

The gentle waves crashed softly onto the sand, the smell of salt and sea air filling the air. Marcus and Nova took in the beautiful scene, the emotions in their hearts and minds complex, but the love and adoration being the strongest of all. In that moment, the world around them faded away and it was just the two of them, staring into each other's eyes.

Marcus was surprised to see that Nova hadn't left as soon as she saw his face. He was sure that after what he had done, she would've been angry and would've wanted to leave right away. But she wasn't angry; instead, there was a look of sadness in her eyes.

 It was as though she knew how much he cared about her and wanted to give him a chance to redeem himself. Then, she gave him a small smile, and for a moment, Marcus felt like all would be okay.

Marcus took a deep breath, summoning the courage to ask for another chance. He wasn't even sure if she would say yes, but he just had to try.

"nova, i know you're upset, and you have every right to be. i promise i'll do better this time, i know i messed up and im trying to make it up to you."

Nova couldn't help but feel her heartstrings tug as she looked at Marcus, his sincere expression made his trust build even more. He knew he had one chance and didn't want to mess it up. "i forgive you marcus." her smile grew as marcus slowly led her towards the mat that was situated on the sand.

She sat across him, observing everything on the mat until her eyes landed on a mini box in the center with her name on it. She looked up at marcus wondering what it was. "what's that?" Nova asked, her eyes fixated on the mini box in the center of the picnic mat.

Marcus smiled warmly and said, "open it, nova." With trembling hands, Nova opened the box to reveal a sparkling promise ring embedded in real gold. "I promised I'd never hurt you ever again," marcus said softly, "so i thought that this would be a good way to show you just how much i mean it."

Nova's eyes widened at the sight of the ring and her eyes started watering. Nova accepted the ring, tears of joy in her eyes as she slipped it onto her finger. Then, she gave Marcus a big hug, feeling overwhelmed by his gesture.

"where you the person behind all those flowers in my apartment?" she asked, wiping her tears as she adjusted herself and began eating out of the plate that marcus handed her.

"yeah, i mean i tried to show you how much I care and how sorry i am for hurting you," he replied, watching as her eyes started watering again.

"i had no idea," nova said, tears in her eyes as she realized the effort he had put in for this romantic gesture. "you didn't have to do this."

"but i did," marcus replied, his voice filled with emotion. "i wanted to make things right and let you know that i don't want to ever lose you, ever again." he shifted closer so they both faced the sea. "so, i know i hadn't given you time to think, but do you think you'd ever move back in with me?" he asked, picking his food and nervously waited for a response.

𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒, marcus rashfordWhere stories live. Discover now