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Chapter 025



THE NEXT AFTERNOON  Marcus and Jude were out shopping for the perfect flowers for Nova's apartment. The pair were excited, knowing that the surprise was going to be one Nova wouldn't soon forget. 

After much deliberation and a few rounds of complaints from Jude that he had been walking for too long they finally settled on a large bouquet of pastel roses which was the closest they could find to what Tolami had asked for. 

As Marcus snapped a photo of the bouquet and texted it to Tolami, he couldn't help but roll his eyes at her reaction. The instant response complaining that the flowers weren't the exact right shade brought a chuckle to his lips.

 It was all in good fun, but it seemed that Tolami was the only one who wasn't completely impressed with the surprise. Still, she couldn't help but feel proud of the thought and effort that had gone into the gesture.

 They were there to purchase dozens of the same bouquet but as luck would have it, the staff member informed them that they only had a few in the back. Suddenly, the joy they initially felt at the sight of the flowers quickly dissipated as they realized they had more work to do.

The two footballers were now leaving the 5th store, with five large bouquets in hand. Though Marcus had spent a significant amount, he was determined to get what he wanted. They placed them carefully on the back seat and got ready for another twenty-minute drive to the nearest floral shop.

Marcus and Jude pushed their way through the dense crowd in the floral shop, holding onto their masks which had disguised them. The flower prices were noticeably higher than expected with a wide selection available. With a sigh, they began their search for a suitable bouquet to Nova's liking.

They immediately found the sunflower section with the help of a member of staff. As Marcus observed his surroundings, he began to understand why many women love flowers, it was clearly a radiant view. Marcus took many photos and sent them to Tolami for her opinion on them.

As Marcus held the phone in front of Jude, they both began laughing at Tolami's sudden outburst at how gorgeous the flowers looked but what made Marcus smile was when she mentioned how lucky Nova was, Marcus instantly felt his blood pumping through his veins making him excited to see the look on Nova's face.


I SAT IN the passenger seat, resting my head against the window as Jude had volunteered to drive the whole forty minutes back home. Despite the low music playing in the car, it was unusually quiet.

 I focused on looking out the window as multiple thoughts crammed my head, and many of them were negative ones. I hadn't thought about what would happen afterwards, and that there's a possibility she'd reject me. 

Nova had always been a logical character, she'd been taught to follow what was good for her but also she was incredibly sensitive and could easily be emotionally hurt so her reaction was to become distant, therefore that was what she did when i didn't give her any attention.

As Jude and i drove home, i found us stopped at a red light. Jude stole a glance at me, noticing my stoic expression and wondering what was wrong.

"what's wrong, marcus?" jude asked, hoping to break the quiet tension in the car.

I sighed, taking a moment to collect myself before answering, "i'm just worried about nova and the surprise, that's all. i really want her to like it, you know?" jude nodded, understanding my worry.

He reached over and patted my back softly, trying to soothe my nerves. "she's gonna love it, I know she will, you could get her anything and she'd be happy," jude said, putting a reassuring hand on my knee. I nodded, feeling a bit better thanks to jude's reassurance. Just then, the light turned green and we were off again, driving towards home.

17 minutes later, i shut the back seat car door after checking that none of the flowers got stuffed over each other. As promised, in my hands was a bouquet of tolami's desires that i had brought for her as an appreciation gift for her help towards me. Jude had beat me into the house but as i walked towards the front door, jude returned to face me.

"they aren't home, i've checked everywhere" he let out an exasperated sigh. I rubbed my temple, knowing they must have gone on with the plan earlier than expected. I pulled out my phone from my jogger's pocket and rushed to text tolami.

She had let me know that the four of them had split up. Her and bukayo were supposedly going to take her out in the next five minutes so her apartment was free. I'm not sure if this would count as breaking in but in my defense, bukayo was going to leave an extra key under the mat which was situated in front of her front door.

I let out a sigh of relief and entered my house, wanting to refresh before we headed out again to prepare her surprise.


double update today for u guys 🤗👍🏼

i know jude can't drive but for this one, he can lmao 😭

(remember to interact with my chapters and follow my account, thank youu)✌🏼

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