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Chapter 012



NINE HOURS WAS all the time I had before I had to be ready to catch my train down to Manchester. I hadn't slept at all, unable to get the events of the past several days off my mind, including Marcus, whom I'd messaged to request a meet-up so I could explain myself, but he had blatantly refused.

I initially believed that it would be much easier to explain things over text and not in person, especially since it would save both of us some awkward and embarrassing moments. However, I changed my mind last minute, as I realized he hadn't been aware of the situation so it bothered me, wanting to find out why he was acting weirdly.

I made the decision to travel via the train, as driving with no prior knowledge of the local roads in manchester was definitely not a good idea. 

Marcus was meant to meet me at the station, but given his behavior recently, I'd been convinced that he only picking me up out of obligation. 

My own thoughts also seemed to align with that, as the thought of Marcus losing interest for some apparent reason was one that was very uncomfortable.

Kai's communication towards me had drastically lowered, but it wasn't as if he completely ignored me, as he would still say things like "dinner is ready" or "mom is going out" whenever applicable, but it seemed like he wasn't mad at me.

Zain had been quite distant from me since the argument, and I was starting to doubt my assumption that he would just settle down and forget all about it. He didn't even leave his room for dinner, and I hadn't even tried talking to him since then, hoping he'd be a little calmer by now.

His speakers blasting sounds down to my room at an unholy hour as i pulled the courage to approach him, my feet quietly tapping the ground as I slowly knocked on the door.

"come in, kai" zain's voice answered me, mistaking me for his brother.

"it's not kai, can I come in though?" as I began to push the door a bit, looking through the gap to catch a glimpse of zain from inside the room.

"bro, why would you ask when you'd just enter anyways" zain replied with an eye roll, and then proceeded to walk over to his speakers before turning it off. I knew he wouldn't be very forgiving, but I was still compelled to apologize for hurting him, so it needed to be done. 

I stared at the floor as I spoke, not wanting to look at him directly, "relax, I just wanted to say sorry" I said, even though we both knew he wasn't the slightest bit relaxed.

"why would you do that though" zain questioned me again, his voice filled with annoyance as he leaned on his right foot while his left was bent with his hands on his hip. It seemed as though there wasn't a single ounce of calm left, so I knew I'd need to be honest with him now, and hope that it would be enough.

"look, it's just i freaked out at the final moments and ran away, then I remembered about your shirt after I'd gotten to the front door. I lied to you so you wouldn't be annoyed" I stated, my words laced with honesty, and I bit my bottom lip in anticipation of his reaction.

"you ran away? from marcus?" zain laughed, his humor seeming to return to him instantly, "well that's a first" he continued.

"okay, don't take the piss" i huffed.

"nah, but that's mad. imagine running away from your date" zain responded with a chuckle, finding the humor in the situation instead of empathizing with me.

𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒, marcus rashfordWhere stories live. Discover now