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Chapter 006



AN HOUR AFTER i woke up, I sat on the kitchen counter, picking onto the full bowl of soggy cereal with my spoon, it had been sitting in milk for a couple of minutes now but I'd quickly lost the appetite for it as I stared down on my phone waiting for a message from him, something to indicate he wasn't mad at me but as i constantly reassured myself, thinking that he'd be busy or maybe he hadn't seen my message though it was very clear i'd fumbled him.

My guilt only grew after settling with the decision that he is actually bothered by what i did yesterday. he was such a laid-back guy who despite having a high profile, he was just normal and treated me well. he hadn't deserved what i had done, to just leave him there stranded after he'd taken me out and took the time to get to know me.

I turned my phone off, sliding it across the counter so I could get a chance to treat my hunger, only then realizing my cornflakes had softened into squishy pieces, making me groan as i dumped it all down the sink. 

I turned around finding my forehead colliding with zain chest, making me jump a little.

"sooo, how was it?" he smirked and gazed at me intently, waiting for my response.

 I looked at him with a blank expression, not wanting to answer his question. I didn't want to admit my faults so I didn't say anything, hoping he'd give up and leave me alone.

"look, I can see that you're avoiding my question but come on you can't just keep running away from it. i mean, i'm a very understanding person and we're siblings and I would never be rude or judgemental towards you so how was the date?" he questioned, trying to act all innocent.

"it was good to be fair, really good." i explained as he nodded.

"then what's with the mood?" he said, sounding genuinely confused. "you're giving off a moody vibe and you seem a little reluctant to admit it was a good day" he claimed, though he was slightly suspicious.

"well it was good, i mean we clicked quite well and spoke about a range of topics, he even told me more about his personal side and I did too" i started explaining as he narrowed his eyes at me, he seemed to know something that was wrong.

"but?" he pushed me further to reveal, the suspicion growing on his face.

"we kinda had to leave earlier than expected because a bunch of fans baiscally bombarded our table for his autograph and a picture" i admitted, slightly bummed at the situation

He wasn't entirely convinced by my answer but he still tried to accept it. "right okay, but at least you enjoyed the time you guys had together? or did that get disrupted by the fans too?"

"mmm, no, overall it was good to be fair" i nodded, maneuvering around him to reach my phone then stuffing it in my trousers pocket.

He was relieved to hear this answer as a slightly calm expression took over his face. "so then, is he going to take you on another date?" he questioned once more.

I tried to keep myself from stuttering as he questioned if he'd ask me on another date and he looked extremely interested which made me tense up. "I mean he didn't specifically say that but it did seem like he enjoyed our time together, so I suppose he might" trying to sound happy so he wouldn't continue interrogating everything,

"hm I would hope so, I can already tell you fell hard for the guy cause you've been acting all fuzzy and weird" he pointed out as he laughed, finding it pretty entertaining to see how flustered I'd become.

𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒, marcus rashfordWhere stories live. Discover now