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Chapter 014



MY GROWING IRRITATION caused me to become quite stubborn myself. "why are you ignoring me and not telling me what i did? i already apologized, and you know how much i hate being ignored."

"you're the one standing in my room when no one asked you to." he raised his voice and furrowed his eyebrows giving me a look.

"why are you being so hostile? i already explained why i'm here, because you've blatantly ignored me for days now, are you not seeing how this is irritating me?"

 "why would you care anyways, you'd end up walking away" he scoffed, letting out a mocking chuckle.

"marcus, come on. i thought we were over that. you know i didn't mean to leave you." i said back, hoping he'd finally forgive me for what happened between us on our first date. i hadn't realised just how much it had affected him, given that he seemed to be acting normally towards me the next day.

"god nova, you talk too much. you know that?" he complained. "you've been standing there for AGES, do you ever understand that maybe i want to be left alone and to have some time without you constantly talk my ears off?." he rolled his eyes and turned off the lights on the nightstand beside him, and pulled the covers over himself before lying back down.

I stood there silently as his words repeated in my head, wanting to retaliate and get everything off my mind, but instead, i just accepted it and rushed out, sobbing tears of frustration, knowing i'd made yet another huge mistake in moving in with him.

 I ran back to my room to grab my phone and put on my shoes, not caring that I had left my coat behind. I stormed down the stairs without a second thought, eager to get out of this house and away from Marcus.

Standing in front of the front door, I was met with a daunting realization that the guards would not let me out without Marcus's approval. I started to feel a burst of annoyance welling up inside of me, knowing that my only option was to throw a tantrum, and I considered whether it would be worth the shame of making a scene in front of strangers.

As the guards finally let me out, I felt a sense of relief wash over me, and then I chuckled to myself, knowing that the guards probably thought I was one of Marcus's one-night stands.

I no longer cared which direction i ended up in, as long as I could find somewhere far away from Marcus and an opportunity to walk and clear my mind, i wouldn't bother me.

My phone lit up after I got a notification, my vision blurred with tears running down my face. I wiped my eyes but more tears streamed down my hot and steamy cheeks, making it hard to see. I continued walking, staring at my phone while attempting to make out the notification.

The notification from SHEIN only succeeded in adding salt to the wound, as I had hoped for a message from Marcus that could have at least offered some form of consolation. Yet, the notification was nothing but a meaningless discount that did little to alleviate my emotional distress. I felt completely defeated, not even caring about the discount, as my heart continued to ache.

My heartbreak continued to consume me for every step I took, and my mind searched for the support I so desperately needed.

"surely he isn't the one who i need." i found myself speaking out my thoughts to myself.

The lack of anyone who i could turn to only increased as it headed towards midnight. I didn't want to disturb anyone with my troubles, as it would only make me feel worse.

𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒, marcus rashfordWhere stories live. Discover now