Eye of the Storm

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Roughly between 1450-1350 BCE - The Bronze Age

     The fading sounds of dying men's cries were the only sound left on the now silent battlefield, a sharp contrast to the fierce battle cries and clanging of metal on metal and screams of pain as metal found flesh that rang through the field just hours before. The breeze carrying the scent of death, blood, and destruction in its tendrils to travel through the air telling the tale of yet another battle fought in this godforsaken war that had ended with trumpets of victory for one tribe, and the bitter sobs of defeat for the other. Sarawat stood in the middle of the battlefield covered in the blood of his slain enemies. His men looked to him in awe as the simple village leader stood with a regal air, his back straight with his head held high, having clinched yet another victory. The only feature giving his inner turmoil away was the raging storms that coursed through his intense dark eyes. He looked at the scene around him and barely held the bile down that crept up his throat. So much waste and all for a war he never understood, but was still compelled to fight.

     Leaving behind a group of men to make sure the bodies received proper burials, and the surviving received proper treatment, Sarawat rallied his men that were going back to camp with him, impatient to be back in the comfort and warmth of his beloved's arms. He didn't even clean himself off or wait for the blood to dry before he was commanding his men to mount their horses and they kicked off for camp. The dust the army's horses kicked up as they relentlessly raced them back to camp, mixed in with the slowly drying blood that dried black across his skin, gave Sarawat a savage look as they victoriously raced across the plains.

     The ground quaked beneath the power of the horses, alerting the land and the skies of another battle victory under the beast of a war god named Sarawat. Another battle fought and Sarawat's men riding back to camp triumphantly to celebrate another victory with their men. Sarawat riding back to celebrate another victory with his Namcha. One battle closer to winning this god awful war and going home to settle down with his beloved in peace and safety. The war god and his medic. The village leader and his consort. The young Watty and his shellmate.

     As Sarawat drew closer to camp, he spotted Namcha waiting on the edge of the camp boundaries, practically bouncing on his tiptoes as his beloved soldier, Sarawat, came riding into view. Sarawat raced his horse straight to his beautiful Namcha, his camp medic with a heart of gold. Without waiting for his horse to come to a complete stop, he leaped from his stallion and wrapped Namcha in an embrace, twirling him off the ground in his excitement to have him back in his arms, and claimed his mouth in a fierce, triumphant kiss.

     A breathless Namcha broke from the kiss with a smile that rivaled the sunrise, "You returned to me, my Watty."

     Sarawat tore the glove from his hand and reached up to caress his beautiful medic's face. "I will always return to you, my Cha," he whispered with adoration dripping in his tone.

     Namcha blushed as he leaned into his soldier's touch. "Come to the tent with me, Sarawat. You must be weary from your battle and your travels. I will have a bath prepared while you eat a freshly made batch of your favorite stew."

     Sarawat gave Namcha a fond smile and teased, "You really did have faith in my return to prepare such a hearty welcome home meal."

     "I always have faith in you, Sarawat. You never break your promises, and we are shellmates, after all. I would feel it if something happened to you," Namcha replied simply as he held open the flap to their tent for Sarawat to enter.

     As soon as the tent flap closed behind him and Sarawat, Namcha immediately got to work removing the several layers of the heavy bronze-plated armor weighing down on his soldier's body, until Sarawat was only left in his tunic, "It feels so good to have all of that weight off of me, my Cha," Sarawat sighed in relief.

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