Race Against Time

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     Pain coursed through every fiber of Pam's being. As her captors huddled around making plans of who went where in transporting Pam to captivity and Tine reuniting with his remaining loved ones, Pam slowly regained her senses. She still had one ace in the hole, one final dig in case she lost tonight. And she had definitely fucking lost, she'd been reduced to begging the little shit for mercy. She'd dropped her pride and given in, but she still had one more slap ready for him, one more scar ready to be forever imprinted into him.

     Her eyes met Tine's and bored into them. She was too weak to portray the smugness or victory in her next revelation, but it didn't matter, because the weakness of her voice only added to the finality and gravity of the weight her words held. "I may have lost the war, Tine. You may have your precious Sarawat. But in return, I have ensured that Sarawat is all you will have. Do you think I didn't know about your liaisons with Pear? There was no point in stopping them because I was damned anyway, so I focused on the bigger picture, Tine."

     "I mean, you didn't honestly believe that I made it this far so I could be so easily circumvented by a few bodyguards, did you? You don't think I've made it this far without having enough connections to be able to place my men where I need them, do you? It is fortuitous that the child was entrusted to Pear and Earn. It means she will be with them when my men take them out."

     "The sentinel you just took out, and me being held captive and you taking the time to play instead of going back to the skyscrapers, means no one has been able to check in with the men I have there in waiting and they have very specific instructions. You are out of time, Pear, Earn, your niece, and your precious husbands. Do you think you can save them all in time?" She asked with fake concern before her mouth twisted in a mockery of hate and madness. "Tick-tock, you little abomination," she growled out maliciously.

     The blood drained from Tine's face as he realized what Pam's words meant. As he realized what was happening in the skyscrapers while they were an hour and a half away in an abandoned factory playing anatomy games. Sarawat was on the same wavelength as Tine and he looked at Gulf and Nunew. "Get her to the underground holding cells and make sure she can't get free," he said. He looked at Mil, "If you are willing, I will grant you sanctuary at the skyscrapers if you wish to rejoin Moth there. We could still use your help and testimony as things continue to unfold."

     Mil nodded his head. "I would like to go with Pam and ensure her captivity. I will wait there until everything is sorted."

     Sarawat nodded in agreement to Mil before looking up at Man and Type. "Take Tine, and keep him safe," he instructed.

     Sarawat's words brought Tine out of his revelry and he snapped his head in Sarawat's direction. "Absolutely not! I am going. They are in different parts of the building. You need two teams. I stay with you, team one, and Man and Type stay together, team two. They are all that's left of my family, Sarawat!"

     Sarawat grabbed onto Tine's hands and stared at him imploringly. "I don't know what we're walking into. I don't want to run blindly into a fight with you, and risk something bad happening to you, my love," he tried to reason with Tine, not wanting to bring him to the forefront of another battle.

     But Tine was done being separated. He was done playing these games of cat and mouse, and he wasn't accepting the parameters of being left out anymore, especially when it was the only family he had left that was on the line. Tine leaned forward and gathered Sarawat's face in his hands. "Then we'll find out on the way, but you aren't leaving me out. They are my family! We live together, we die together, we fight together. I'm tired of being left alone, Teerak" He said resolutely, his voice raising to the urgency of the situation.

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