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     Sarawat rolled their bodies, so they were still intertwined, but were resting against the back of the couch so they could stay intimately locked, with their legs intertwined, and their faces close, and there hands on each other, but also relaxed while their conversation dived deeper. He gave Tine a pensive look. "Tine, I get why you didn't want me to read the Namcha journals, but you were wrong about them not having clues. Well, maybe not clues, maybe more mysteries, but the more we pull, the better, I think," he said, thoughtfully.

     Tine raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

     Sarawat furrowed his brow and asked, "When Namcha overheard the conversation between his captor and the other one, did you recognize the second voice? I mean, you wouldn't have recognized it as Namcha, but did you recognize it from any of your future incarnations?"

     Tine mused for a moment. "You think the second voice could have been my tormentor?" He surmised. It wasn't a giant leap, since Tine had often wondered the same thing. "Both of the voices were feminine. They could be the same, but the tones used were so different I'm not confident in it. I always felt like my tormentor used a fake voice, like they purposely altered the tonal quality of their voice. My tormentor's voice was almost childlike with its high-pitched, fake sweetness or shrill with madness. The second voice in Namcha's memory spoke with authority and intimidation. The tones were so different that they could very well come from the same person, but they could also easily come from different people. I always thought they were the same, though, simply because of how they talked about the soul being reborn and tracking it. They said they were going to plant the idea in your head about souls being reborn. How did you learn of it? Because I know you didn't believe in reincarnation when you were with Namcha."

     Sarawat threads his fingers through Tine's fingers. Even with the seriousness of their conversations, Sarawat couldn't help but brush his fingers through Tine and feel the warmth that he had craved for so long. "It was Man. When I was first changed, I tried really hard to die, but I couldn't and they would punish me for insolence because I was extremely rebellious. It was one of my many punishments that Man brought up the whole soul rebirth and told me it was real. But I don't think it was Man who would have done this. He doesn't have the villain's motives, nor does he fit the physical description."

     Tine shook his head and rested it on the back of the couch. "No, I don't think it was any of the ones we met earlier. For starters, none of them were short enough, except maybe Pear, but you said she was too young, and honestly, I think her reaction to my blood rules her out. For some reason, I feel as though hissing at the coven leader's mate isn't the most intelligent way to prove you are genuine. Also, I feel like I would get some sort of malicious vibe from them if I met the tormentor, even if I didn't recognize them. I mean, all of my previous incarnations got an eerie feeling when they were approached by the tormentor too, long before they actually realized they were in danger, so I feel like I would feel something predatory, too. Even though I think Man is completely innocent, that doesn't mean someone didn't plant the idea in his head to tell you about it. Especially if the tormentor is someone close to you, it wouldn't raise suspicion at all to discuss ways to make you feel better between mutual friends. Even if one is being manipulative, it doesn't mean both are."

     Sarawat nodded, seeing Tine's logic made sense. "That is a very good point. But besides that, there were other things that they said in that conversation, too, that are off as well. Obviously, Namcha's captor said he was the coven leader, which means Namcha's captor was Phukong, yes?"

     Tine shrugged his shoulders. "I've heard you mention Phukong and that he was the previous leader, but Namcha didn't know anyone's name. The one who killed Namcha is the one who captured Namcha. If they are the same, then yes, Namcha's captor is Phukong," he summated logically.

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