Enigma Midnight (Sarawat's POV)

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     To say Sarawat was aggravated at the moment would have been the understatement of the year. He had promised Man he would be at the lounge to help in the predator's capture. The business dinner had been nothing more than one of his business partners trying to pawn his daughter off onto Sarawat. Evidently, the partner and Man had been on the same page, thinking the woman would be a match for Sarawat. For Sarawat however, it had been a waste of his time and his evening.

     After Sarawat had finally shut them down and left to get to the lounge to aid in more important matters, he had been headed off by Pam. Normally, he and Pam were on the same page. If he said or acted in a hurry, she generally tuned in pretty well and stepped aside, but tonight for some reason, no matter how hurried or unreceptive Sarawat acted, she felt the need to share the 100 reasons of why she was stressed with a very impatient Sarawat.

     Luckily, her phone rang, and it gave Sarawat enough of a distraction to detach and get to the lounge. Nothing could have prepared him for what was waiting for him there. He had walked in and gave the lounge singer performing enough of a glance to ensure he was there, but with the dark lighting, he couldn't make him out very well and he didn't bother to try. His performing meant the predator had not struck yet. Check one prey in place. Now he just needed to get with Man to see if the predator had been spotted.

     That was until the voice of the singer entered his ears, and it froze Sarawat to the scene. A voice he had not heard in over 3400 years. A voice of beauty, pain, and ecstasy being sung in sultry tones he had never heard that voice make in all his life. He turned towards the singer he had barely spared a glance for other than to acknowledge he was alive, and stared at him. His eyes confirming what his ears already knew.

     It was Namcha. No, not Namcha, but Tine. The reincarnation of Namcha's soul. The reincarnation Sarawat had waited three millennia for and there he was, pouring his heart into his words that were wrapping around Sarawat in the warmest embrace he'd felt in longer than he could remember. Completely overwhelmed by the cacophony of emotions going through his entire being, he stopped and just stared at Tine for a moment. His breathe hitching and unhitching painfully, his eyes brimming with tears that he impatiently wiped away, since it blurred his view of the ethereal man on the stage.

     His soulmate's skin was even whiter than he'd remembered, like perfectly polished marble. His cheeks and his full, alluring lips with varying degrees of pink were the same, and his almond-shaped chocolate eyes and hair color were the same colors and features that had always reminded Sarawat of a cherry blossom. His hair was no longer long and tied at the back like it had been back in Namcha's time. Tine now had it cut short in the back with long bangs covering part of his forehead in a sweeping side part, highlighting the natural curves of his face, with the more normal modern day style. The carved lines of his face made him angular, but he had a natural softness that gave him a youthful kindness that was breathtaking. Sarawat's memory had betrayed him as he stared at his soulmate and realized his beauty was greater than he remembered.

     Tine had dressed both elegantly and simply, in a pair of checkered slacks and a matching jacket that lightly cinched at the waist, showing off his muscular but lithe body, in a modest but tantalizing kind of way. There was still Namcha's inner kindness radiating around him, but it was joined with a masculinity and a confidence that Namcha had never had. Tine had a stronger and slightly haunted aura surrounding him that reminded Sarawat that although they shared the same soul, that although Tine was Namcha's reincarnation, that Tine and Namcha were not the same man.

     Man had spotted Sarawat when he had come into the lounge and since Sarawat seemed to be more focused on the singer than the task at hand, Man made his way to Sarawat, "Hey, I was hoping you would get here soon, the professor's set is about to end. He's good, like Type said. I can see why he's a fan. He's also pretty, like Type said. I was jealous when Type said he was uncommonly beautiful, but now that I see him, I realize Type was just calling a spade a spade. He looks familiar in a weird way, though, don't you think?"

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