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     The group took a brief break after that. Sarawat needed a minute to calm down, and Tine needed a minute to help Sarawat calm down, whispering sweet affirmations with sweet little kisses and light touches of warmth. Earn and Pear refilled the snack and drink supply and Boss grew steadily more grumpy as he couldn't get ahold of his security team, including Man and Type. It wasn't too surprising, if his team was mid patrol then they wouldn't be able to answer the call unless he called from the emergency line, and Man and Type should have just arrived there so they may be in the middle of a briefing. Trying to shrug off the eerie feeling, Boss left them messages to call him back ASAP and turned his phone up so he wouldn't miss the call.

     After a few minutes, the group rallied and settled in for some follow-up discussions following Pear's main information. She had made it clear she had more to say, so they knew it wasn't over yet, but before she could get started, Sarawat's thoughts had taken him down a different road and he asked Pear a question that was on topic, but not necessarily necessary to their current predicament. "Pear, I realize this may not be the most appropriate time, but I am just curious what we are looking at if Tine were to become one of us? Pam worked so resolutely hard against destroying him without changing him, and I know seer potential can be unpredictable, but she must have had a real fear in his abilities to have gone this far for this long. And you said even at his weakest, he is still stronger than most, so what does that mean for him if he decides to become one of us?"

     Pear chewed on her inner lip for a moment before answering. "First before I answer that, I simply want to say, that once Pam established a habit of getting rid of Tine's incarnations, there could have been a ritualistic habit created in performing the acts which may have superseded her logic in stopping when she realized how complicated this was all going to be. There are certain psychological idiosyncrasies that I'm sure must come into play in her mind as well, but I'm not a psychiatrist. It's a theoretical observation more than anything based on fact. And as far as Tine's abilities are concerned, it's a guessing game. Powers manifest, they change, sometimes dwindling, sometimes growing or changing when a human changes from a human into a supernatural species. There is so much potential. Tine's powers are some of the strongest manifestations I have ever seen. As a human he can sense the air in the room, give him vampire senses and that could mean being able to read the emotions of everything happening in that room, from good to bad, he could sense if someone was there who shouldn't be, be able to unravel assassination plots before they were carried out. To know that someone laid in wait for him to attack. He would have that sense that could make him impossible to catch off-guard or kill."

     "Namcha could sense things that were yet to come. They were just feelings, but Namcha was able to distinguish the feeling and make a sound prediction of what it meant. And most of the time, he was right. Once again, give him vampire senses and you are talking about a being with the potential to see the future. It may not be on a grand scale, it may only be sequestered to things that would directly affect him, but it's still possible."

     "Tine has already shown the uncanny sense of being able to interpret a person's aura without barely knowing them. That could easily be a low manifestation of a mind reader, which could very well turn into a full-fledged mind reader if he becomes one of us. There's only one way to know."

     "The fact is soul seers' potential is unlimited to begin with; it is impossible to truly predict its capabilities. But Tine is probably the strongest manifestation I have ever seen. The things he could do, the things he could be. And that potential was recognizable all the way from the beginning. Pam knew what she was doing. Someone else just figured out what she was doing along the way and pulled the rug out from under her."

     Sarawat ran his fingers through Tine's. He had already believed in enough of Tine's abilities to take the things Tine said seriously, and with that thought in mind, he looked back at Pear. "Tine seems to think that this is his soul's last incarnation?" He stated, framing the statement into a question to gather Pear's thoughts on Tine's prediction.

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