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The pogues fly back to the OBX on Barracuda Mikes plane.

All the pogues were asleep, completely knackered from the past few days events. Except Kie, she couldn't sleep, her mind just wouldn't shut of.

JJ lifts his head from where he'd been sleeping on her shoulder.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks softly

"My parents, I'm gunna be in so much trouble when we get home" she grimaced

"Kie it's going to fine, you've got me, you've got all of us"

Kie looks around at all of her friends sleeping and smiles.

"I know I know. And I'm grateful it's just .... How do you think my parents will react? They aren't just going to forget that you broke me out of that hellhole"

"They might....... Send me back" she adds

"Well let them try"

"I can't go home J, not yet"

"You don't have to, you can stay with me"

"But your house is..."

"Don't worry, we'll figure it out" he says taking her hand and squeezing it slightly.

He always knew how to comfort her, make her feel at ease. She felt safe with him. Always.

They both drifted back to sleep.


"Guys, wake up!" John B nudges JJ.

"We're home" he adds

Kie sleepily opens her eyes, but she's immediately filled with dread.

"Right, get out of here, all of you" Mike yells from the front.

"Thanks again" pope says and they hand him a lump of gold.

As they all hop of the plane, they just look at each other, unsure what to do next.

"Come on" John B finally says and starts walking.

"John B!" Kie shouts after him "where are we supposed to go?"

"I for one can't go home, JJ's being evicted, the chateau's gone and" she says tearing up.

"I know where we can go" Sarah pipes up.

"Before we left .... My dad .... He gave me the key to a condo, said I could stay there. That's where we should go"

"In figure eight?" JJ questions

Sarah nods.

"No. No way"

"Well what do you suggest?" John B asks

"Well we could..... we could go..." he scratches his head "just give me a minute I'll think of something"

"no dude, it's our best option ok? Let's just go clean up" John B says taking Sarah's hand and they both led the way.

Pope and Cleo follow behind. Leaving Kie and JJ both stood there for a moment.

"J, come on, we don't have any other choice" Kie says softly extending her hand out to him.

He sighs but takes it and they follow the others.


"Well here it is" Sarah opens the door with the key.

"Bagsy first shower" Pope runs past her to the bathroom.

"Guys there's three bathrooms, one with each bedroom.

"Thank god" Kie says walking briskly to the second one.

Once Kie finishes he shower, she walks out of the bathroom in a towel into the bedroom that it's connected to and finds JJ sat on the bed.

"Oh my gosh I don't think I'd ever felt so dirty"

JJ had zoned out a bit.

"J? You ok?"

"Oh yeah, I'm fine" he snaps out of it.

"I'm gunna go take a shower"

"Ok" she replies

"You sure your ok?"

"Mmhmm" he says closing the door.

Kies not sure she believes him but just falls back into the bed. She doesn't blame him if he's not, she wasn't sure if she was ok either, everything they've just been through was .... A lot.

As she's lying there in thought she can hear muffled sobs from the bathroom over the sound of the shower.

She walks closer to the door and the sounds got louder. She scrunches her face in pain listening to him, she couldn't bear it.

*knock knock


No answer.

"Jage I'm coming in ok?"

She turns the handle slowly and opens the door.

When she saw him, crouched down on the floor of the shower (in his shorts btw) just sobbing, her heart broke. A tear slipped down her cheek.

She rushed to him, stepped into the shower and crouched down to him.

She placed a hand on his cheek so he'd look up. They made eye contact and them he buried his head into her shoulder, engulfing her in a hug. They stayed like this for a while, the water still pouring down on them both.

JJ had always been good at hiding his feelings, bottling up his emotions. And this was the result of that.

"I'm here" she whispers into his hair

"I know ...... thank you"

Jiara - season 4Where stories live. Discover now