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"Kie?" JJ says twirling her hair


"What are you gunna do with your share?"

"Urm I guess I haven't really thought about it. What about you?"

"I wanna buy a charter boat" he answers straight away which makes her smile.

"And then another one for us, like the HMS"

"That sounds perfect"



They both fall asleep.


Bang Bang Bang

"What the f.." JJ bolts up waking up straight away.

"What's happening" Kie asks opening her eyes

"I don't know"

John B heads for the door which is being banged on.

He looks through the peephole.

"Shit. It's Mike" he turns to Sarah who'd followed him down the hall.

"What?" Sarah looks too

"Shit.  ......Kie"

"What's going on" JJ comes out of their room.

"Nothing don't worry about It" John B dismisses

"But john B..."

"Go back in your room, stay with Kie"

JJ reluctantly closes his door again.

John B opens the door and Mike tries to look inside but john B steps out and closes it behind him.

"Where is she!"

"Erm who" he plays dumb scratching the back of his head.

"My daughter where is she!"

"Kiara? She's not here?" He says innocently

"Do you seriously expect me to believe that?"

"Honestly I don't care what you believe"

"Even if she was here, she definitely wouldn't want to talk to you so"

"So she is here"

"no that's not what I said"

"Maybe you should check that coo coo camp you sent her too?" JB shrugs

Mike sucks his teeth in frustration.

"You can tell her from me, she needs to come home. Ok?"

"Sure" john B replies sarcastically.

"I'll be back"

"I look forward to it" John B gives a salute before returning inside.

"That was brave" Sarah says surprised

"Thanks" he replies questioning if it was the right thing to do or not. He knew Kie didn't want to see him, and if Mike had seen JJ .... Who the hell knows what would of happened.

"Breakfast?" He asks Sarah

"Love some" she pecks his cheek.

As they walk down the hall another door opens behind them.

"John B!" Kie calls quietly

He turns to look at her.

"Thank you"

Jiara - season 4Where stories live. Discover now