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*sarah and Kie are still on the balcony

"Sarah?" Someone says

They look around for the voice and spot a kook stood in the street.



They rejoin the others.

"You good?" John B asks as Sarah sits back down


"Someone saw us" Kie says

"For fucks sake" JJ sighs

"Everyone's going to know where we are now"

"Your parents" he adds looking at Kie

"I know"

"But What if they come round here?" He asks

"Let them, I'm not going anywhere with them! Not a chance in hell"

"It's late, we should just all get some sleep and deal with it tomorrow" pope pipes up.

"Deal with it tomorrow, I'm down for that" Kie says

"Me too" JJ adds

"Ok well where's everyone sleeping then?" Cleo asks innocently.

"There's three rooms so...." Cleo looks around and sees Sarah cuddle into John B, then looks at Kie and JJ holding hands.

"So I guess it's you and me gray Pipe" she finishes

He laughs helping her up. All six of them head down the corridor to their rooms.




All three doors shut.

Kie collapses onto the bed. " I'm sooo tired"

"I guess I'll take the floor"

"Your kidding right?" She smiles lifting her head up.

"J we've shared a bed before?"

"But ... it's different now"

"Just get in would you"

"Ok fine if you insist" he smirks

Jiara - season 4Where stories live. Discover now