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They are now both lying on top of the bed, JJ in her arms sleeping with his head on her chest. She's just softly stroking his hair as he sleeps.

"Kie..." Sarah walks in

"Oh sorry" she whispers

"What's up?" Kie asks quietly

"I'm going to order some food, just wanted to know what you guys want?" She smiles still whispering.

"Honestly I'm so hungry I'd eat anything." Kie smirks.

"How can we afford it though? I don't think the take out will accept gold as payment?" She smiles

"My dad... he gave me some money before ... you know" she looks down.

"Oh ok"

"Yeah, I guess he was good for something" Sarah chokes up.

"Sarah" kie says softly

"I'm fine, I promise" she smiles wiping a tear from her face.

"I'll erm go tell John B to get pizza then" she leaves the room.

Kie closes her eyes for a moment. Its so hard to see all these people she loves in pain. Things weren't going to be normal, not for a while anyway.

*20 minutes later - "pizza's here!" John B shouts from the corridor.

"Shushhh! John B JJ's asleep!" Sarah hushes him which makes Kie giggle a little listening to them.

She turns her attention back to JJ. He looked so peaceful when he slept, like all the weight he normally carries with him was lifted.

"JJ" she whispers in his ear

"Mmm" he stirred a little.

"There's pizza"

"I'm awake"


They both walk into the kitchen/lounge area of the condo where the others we sat down eating on the sofas.

"Hope you saved some for us!" Kie laughs

Popes got his mouthful but points to a pizza box on the counter. JJ gets it and they sit with the others.

After she's finished eating kiara notices Sarah's staring out the window, she looks upset. John B notices aswell and places his hand on her thigh.

"I... I just need a minute" she stands up trying not to cry. She goes out onto the balcony.

"Should I ?" John B asks

"I'll go" Kie says

John B nods.

Kie walks out to the balcony.


"Hey" Sarah wipes her eyes.

"I'm being stupid"

"it's ok to miss him, he's your dad"


"I know you all hate him" she sniffs "and you should"

"But he saved my life. And I know that doesn't make up for everything's he's done"

"But I just feel like I'm losing everyone, and I don't want to end up alone" she cries

"Your not alone. All of us in there are here for you, and we're not going anywhere, and we've all got to be there for each other more then ever now"

"Your stuck with us I'm afraid"

Sarah smiles


"We're pogues, it's what we do"

Jiara - season 4Where stories live. Discover now