Chapter 4

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Technoblade awoke slowly to the sound of giggles and laughter coming from Phil and Wilbur. He  yawned, glaring at the two tiredly. ''Wow, the blood god became soft and brotherly?!'' Wilbur teased, giggling. ''Wow, Wilbur still doesn't know how to make insults?'' The pinkette jabbed back.

''Alright boys, don't wake up Tommy.'' Phil whispered. Techno perked his head. Right, Tommy was here! He looked at Tommy's calm and peaceful sleeping face, realizing how Tommy had wrapped himself over techno and made a slight nest. Techno felt at peace when he saw how comfortable he was. He snorted, softly stroking his hand through his hair. Techno felt like Tommy was his very own gold that he had to protect, holding him tightly. Crowfather and Wilbur just sat on the sidelines, giving techno some awws.

Tommy slowly blinked awake, immediately cooing (crowfather fighting demons to not chirp back in the background) at technos affection. He smiled softly toward techno. He looked around and realized that every hero in the room was.. unmasked? And watching him? He scrambled into a sitting position. He stretched quickly, before turning back to techno who was slowly sitting up. He admired his hair, so, against his own will (against his own will? Definitely not.) he crawled over to techno, braiding his hair quickly. 

He stretched his wings, hugging the back of techno. Techno snorted, appreciating Tommy's affection. He turned his head to try to look at Tommy. Tommy noticed, and slid next to techno in a sit. ''I'm hungry..'' the blonde murmured. Techno nodding, opting to picking up Tommy (carefully, now. He's a fragile little creature!) and carrying him to their kitchen so he could choose from the pantry himself.

-after having a little munch and some water-

''Techno, why do you snort like a pig? Are you a piglin hybrid?'' Tommy questioned, hopping down from the kitchen counter. 

''You guessed it.'' Techno looked at Tommy while throwing away some trash. ''Oh! You think my hairs gold, don't you?'' Tommy figured out why techno liked his hair! ''Mhm..'' techno hummed, a little too embarrassed to admit he fell to his instincts. Wilbur and Phil listened in, as they basically sat unnoticed at the table. Wilbur looked at techno, surprised. Wilbur knew what hybrid techno was, but him falling to his instincts that bad? Unheard of! Wilbur smirked, knowing he would use this as blackmail, plus, he took pictures of him and Tommy while they were still asleep.. (evil grin)

''Right, sorry to interrupt boys, but..'' Phil spoke with a slight anger, perhaps? in his voice.''We have to go back to hero duties, so, Tommy, we trust you not to leave or leak our identities, right?'' Tommy nodded, kicking his feet. ''Alright, go get ready, techno and will.'' The two were quick to answer with a hum, the two scurrying to their rooms. Tommy, though, was not going to stay. Of course, he didn't want to leak their identities, but he wanted out. And out, was where Tommy was going to go.

(Passing the phone (story) to my only other friend who writes fanfic)

when they left tommy did to meeting up with bee - and ender for a misson and oh how it went to a unfornte dismay when they ran Right into the heroes.

"well- this is sqward" bee said.

"SCATTER" tommy yelled, and to that all three of the Vigilantes sattered every witch way down the alleyways.

"youre kidding me right" Siren groned as the three splitted to go after the Vigilantes.

Crow father optted to try to chirp call tommy - who was smart ehnogh not to answer and hide in a semi deep-offset ally, puring out as techno ran past, whom was very annoyed at this, they thought they tamed the blonde boy.

"idoit" tommy muttered before wandering into the darkness, it was tight and scudded... slowly the more tight it go the more dizzy tommy felt, and he blinked out of reality once more.

THESEUS.. | Vigilante Tommy AU! + Sbi | DiscontuiedWhere stories live. Discover now