iii. vision brooklyn 1, 2, 3

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Miles jerked awake, suddenly alert for the day ahead. He sprang out of bed, noticing Ganke was still engrossed in his computer. He wondered if his roommate had even slept. Wanting to ask but not wanting to break his concentration, Miles opted to head to the shared bathroom to freshen up.

After a quick shower, he reached for a pair of pants from the floor and pulled them on. To his bewilderment, they seemed unusually short, barely reaching his ankles. Miles furrowed his brow, a perplexed expression crossing his face. That's weird. My pants shrank. He thought to himself, glancing down at the oddly cropped pants.

"I think I hit puberty!" he exclaimed suddenly, the words slipping out before he could catch them. Ganke's typing momentarily halted, his eyes wide, but he quickly returned to his laptop as if he hadn't heard a thing.

Cringing at his own outburst, Miles hastily dressed in his school uniform, packed his bag, and slipped on his shoes. With a quick exit and a door slam, he was on his way. Stepping into the school hallway, he noticed curious glances from fellow students. He tried in vain to adjust the length of his pants to appear more presentable, but they stubbornly stopped right above his socks.

I gotta get new pants. He exclaimed the words internally, but he could hear his voice as clear as day.

Wait, why is the voice in my head so loud?

From across the bustling lobby, Miles spotted Y/n, and his feet seemed to move on their own accord, leading him toward her. She greeted him with a sweet smile, though he couldn't help but notice the heavy bags under her eyes. Before he could voice his concern, she enveloped him in a hug, a surprising gesture that left him momentarily stunned. He didn't hug back, but the sensation was still exhilarating, making his heart race.

As they pulled away, Y/n leaned back slightly, her brow raising inquisitively. "Hey," she greeted, her tone shifting as she observed him. "Are you okay?"

Miles blinked, feeling an uncomfortable dampness on his forehead. Why am I so sweaty? He mentally scolded himself for the sudden perspiration.

"Miles, why are you sweaty?" she asked in a deadpan voice, her eyes narrowing in confusion.

He hesitated, his mind racing for an explanation. "It's a puberty thing," he blurted out with a chuckle, attempting to sound nonchalant. His own words hung in the air, and his cheeks warmed as he realized how absurd that sounded. "I don't know why I said that. I'm not going through puberty. I did... but I'm done. I'm... a man."

Y/n burst into laughter, her amusement contagious. "Sure you are. Anyway, I wanted to apologize for not calling you back last night. The movie was... good, yeah. Lots of fighting, and the heroes were—wait. Do you want me to spoil it for you? It's cool if we save it for later. Maybe with some ice cream?"

Miles's hand landed on her shoulder, causing her to pause mid-sentence. There was a brief moment of silence, a subtle shift in the atmosphere. "Hey," he spoke, his voice unexpectedly cool and deep.

Her heart skipped a beat, caught off guard by his sudden change in demeanor. A faint blush colored her cheeks as she met his gaze, a playful glint in her eyes. Was he trying to pull off some kind of move? She couldn't help but smile, her tone playful. "What's up," she responded, playing along with his newfound swagger. "What's going on?"

Miles appeared utterly mortified, his embarrassment palpable as he stood frozen, unsure of how to proceed.

Y/n's spidey senses intermittently chimed in her head, a dull headache starting to form.

A new voice broke the awkwardness. "Um, hi," the voice said, and both Miles and Y/n turned their heads toward the newcomer, a blonde girl clutching her books. Relief washed over Miles as she rescued him from his cringe-worthy predicament, but Y/n's heart sank. Was she hallucinating? Was it a result of her sleep deprivation?

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