x. miles morales rises up

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Miles couldn't comprehend what just happened in the last hour, but his mind and heart were a whirlwind of emotions that bombarded him. It felt so overwhelming that he had to go away and swing to his dormitory.

Despite his sloppy and careless swinging, he managed to climb through his window and land on his dorm room. He didn't want to face anybody. He knew that no one would be able to understand what he was going through. He yanked the mask off his face, feeling suffocated. He was breathing furiously, pursing his lips in anger.

He glared at the books lying on his desk. Great Expectations was left open, and it stared at him as if it was taunting him, mocking him. Miles surged in with a huff and began tearing through his room in an emotional, teenage rage. He pushed all of his homework and books off his desk, threw a lamp at something, hurled his chair upside down.

From his chaos, his sketchbook fell open on the floor, and the artwork he did with his Uncle Aaron stared up at him. Miles bent down and picked it up, closing it and flung it out the window. After a moment, the notebook flew back through the window like a boomerang, and Miles caught it, confused.

Y/n's head popped into the window. She climbed into the room, followed by the other spiders. The girl was wearing her civilian clothes this time, void of her spider suit. "Miles," she spoke, and that was enough for Miles to fall apart again.

"Y/n," Miles keened, his voice cracking up. Her arms were already opened for him to crash into. He pulled her in a hug so tight but Y/n relented, comforting him through hushed whispers. Miles was holding back his tears, but his sobs were still heard.

"I'm here. I'm here."

The spiders gave them a moment of silence, until Peter spoke up. "Hey, bud. You okay?"

Miles eventually let go, albeit weakly. He took a deep breath, not saying anything.

Peter continued, "We've all been there. For me, it was my Uncle Ben," he placed his hand on Miles' shoulder.

On his other shoulder, was Noir's hand. "For me it was my Uncle Benjamin."

"For me it was my father," Peni added.

Gwen provided her own grief. "For me it was my best friend."

Miles' eyes shifted to meet Y/n's and she was silent, communicating through her gaze. He already knew what she was meaning to say without words. He knew of the first, and he was a direct witness in the second.

She felt her throat tighten, looking away from his golden honey stare. "Miles," she began. "The hardest thing about this job is you can't always save everybody," she said. She knew that now.

He furrowed his eyebrows as he huffed. "Look, it was my fault. You wouldn't understand," he said, making her look at him disgruntled.

"Miles, we're probably the only ones who do understand," Gwen shot back, and the girl beside her agreed.

There was a sudden jiggling at the door, and they sensed that someone was about to enter the room. Ganke opened the door, walking inside with his headphones on. Music was blaring on his ears at loud volume, weakening his spatial awareness and not sensing the spider-team plastered to the wall in the back of him.

Oblivious, Ganke grabbed his Spider-Ham comic and started to read, feet on his desk. Still in his headphones, he spun in his chair, now facing the Spider gang, but with his comic blocking his view.

Peter instructed the group, veering to the right. "That way! That way!"

Ganke then crossed back, making them go to the opposite again. "Other way! Other way!"

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