vi. the multiverse of fries

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Miles suggested taking the Peter look-alike to his Uncle Aaron's apartment, which happened to be vacant at the moment. He quickly concocted a story about Aaron being usually away at this time of night. Utilizing Y/n's webbing from her shooters, they secured him to a punching bag.

They attempted to rouse him by spinning him around, but he remained unconscious. It seemed they would have to be patient and wait for him to wake up on his own.

Y/n stared at the homeless guy long enough until she had to look away. "He looks so much like him, it's insane." There has to be some sort of explanation. He can't be the same Peter who just died— plus, her dad's hair is blond, not brown.

Meanwhile, Miles was glancing at her from time to time, a look of disbelief in his features. He had just removed his mask, now playing it in his hands.

"Listen," he began, making Y/n flinch slightly. "I feel like we moved on pretty quick from the fact that you're Spider-Lily. My best friend, Y/n Parker— is Spider-Lily."


"And you didn't even tell me!"

"Oh, boy here we go," Y/n placed her fingers on the bridge of her nose, alleviating the incoming stress. "I wanted to tell you, okay? Life just got in the way."

Miles paced around. "I should've seen it coming. Mr. Parker– who is also Spider-Man– has a daughter. Of course, she'd also have spidey powers!" There was a huge grin on his face, almost like he was proud.

"You literally couldn't have known, Miles. My dad's identity didn't get revealed until like, this morning."

"And I could've had the whole day to figure it out!" Miles retaliated, raising his eyebrows at her.

A quiet moment followed, the atmosphere uncertain—neither comfortable nor awkward, just hanging in between.

The boy in the room looked at her, his expression carrying a somber frown. "Hey. I'm sorry about your dad," he said, choosing to convey his condolences in person.

Y/n had gotten sick from receiving the same words from other people, but hearing it from Miles, felt soothing. "Thank you," she smiled. It was a small smile, but it was the most genuine ever since the funeral.

Her gaze dropped, and Miles observed the shift in her smile. The weight of their current situation—Spider-Man's demise, his sudden powers, the appearance of another Peter Parker—clearly took a toll on her. Yet, he had an idea to ease her pain, if only for a moment.


His words resonated, and she turned to see his open arms. A hug from Miles Morales? She wasn't about to turn that down.

Colliding with him, Miles swiftly caught her before she could tumble, and they shared a quiet embrace. Her arms encircled his neck, his around her hips, and they swayed gently. A sigh of relief escaped her as she found comfort in his embrace. Almost drifting off, the realization struck her—they were holding a doppelganger of her dad captive. With a slight jolt, she pulled away.

With her hands on his shoulders, their eyes met. Spidey senses tingling, they winced. "You've got them too," Y/n noted.

"I was planning on telling you," Miles shrugged hesitantly. "Life just got in the way."

"Oh, you–" she playfully slapped him in the chest, taking his breath away. "How dare you use my own words against me. When did this happen? How–?"

"I got bit by this weird-looking spider, that's why yesterday I was... sticky."

A look of understanding crossed her face. "Oh."

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