xiii. guggenheim assemble

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Let's do things differently this time. Like SO differently.

His name is Miles Morales.

Her name is Y/n Parker.

Two spider-people against the world.

He was bitten by a radioactive spider...

She is the daughter of Peter Parker.

Different origins. Different abilities. Same responsibility.

They hadn't always had it easy...

Y/n's best friend dying in front of her, her father dying in front of Miles. His uncle dying in his arms, and his father unwittingly pulling a gun on his own son...

But they're not the only ones.

You think you know the rest. You don't.

I thought I knew the rest, but I didn't.

I didn't think it would come to this, but it did...

"Yo! Def Leppard!"

Spider-Gwen's World

The blonde was in the middle of band practice for The Mary Janes. Her three other band members stared blankly at her, and Gwen spoke, "Is the song over? Seems over."

"Are you okay?" Em Jay, their vocalist, asked in concern.

Glory chimed in, "You don't hang out, you don't want to talk—"

"I didn't join a band so I could talk about my feelings—"

"Well, I did," Betty retorted in response.

"I joined it so I could hit my feelings with sticks!"

Gwen demonstrated so by hitting the drum set. Glory stepped in and deadened the cymbal with her hand. "If you don't tell someone what's going on, you're gonna snap—"

"I'm fine," the blonde snapped. Exactly.

"That's not how someone who's fine would say that," Em Jay countered, fleeting her gaze to the right.

Glory added, "They'd say, 'I'm great! Thanks, how are you?'"

"I'm great! Thanks!!!"

Gwen said in a louder tone, knocking over the drum kit. There were a few noises of worry resounding throughout the stage. "How are you?!" She stormed off. The other band members called out to her, but it only fell on deaf ears as the blonde continued her venture out of the double doors.

She found herself walking against the foot traffic in her paint-streaked world. But she didn't feel as if her body was moving through it. Instead, the world was moving around her. She began to reflect on things left unsaid.

I always wanted to be in a band. Guess I just never found the right one.

In this line of work, you always wind up a solo act.

Gwen hurried into the subway, but one can't outrun a memory.

Y/n and Miles didn't know what it felt like. But before them, I had Peter.

Her Peter Parker. Back when things were simpler, and better. It was just the two of them, and their families were close. But Peter didn't really know her, and she didn't really know him either.

Everything was okay, until it was too late.

Until she had to.

"Everything's gonna be okay. Don't worry..." were Peter Parker's last words.

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