9- lamb is to meek as fox is to sly

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"You'll be the belle of the ball" Agatha gushed as she pushed a strand of hair out of Naomi's eyes. Naomi giggled as her cheeks flushed.

"Thank you Agatha" she grinned, her gap tooth on full display. Agatha returned the grin, placing her hand on Naomi's cheek

"You're welcome, my dear"

"Is she prep..." Anthony stopped in his tracks dumbfounded as his eyes met Naomi. His gaze trailed from the ribbon on her head down to the high heels on her feet. He raised his gaze back to her face, his eyes meeting hers. "You look beautiful" he murmured.

"Thank you." she whispered, rubbing against her arm. Anthony cleared his throat, raised his ringing phone up to his ears and spoke into it. All the while, his eyes still glued on Naomi

"Get the Porsche ready. We're about to leave" He dropped his cell and slipped it into his pocket. "Are you ready?" He asked her, staring into her orbs. Intimidated by his piercing eyes . She dropped her gaze to the floor and nodded softly, he looked at Agatha "We're leaving now, take care of the house" he stated, to which she nodded.

"Prends soin d'elle" (take care of her) Agatha whispered as she led Naomi to Anthony.

"Je vais" (I will) he nodded as he placed his palm against her back and led her out the door.


Naomi's hands remained in her laps as she peered out the tinted windows. The sun had long set and in the distance she could hear the vivid sound of chirping crickets. She sat beside Anthony in the backseat while the chauffeur drove them to their destination.

It felt as if they'd been in the car for hours and Naomi stifled a yawn for what felt like the hundredth time. Anthony sat in a close proximity with her, with his fingers clicking away on his laptop that sat above his laps. He seemed in deep concentration as he paid her no heed.

She had expected an apology, but allowed her expectation fly out the window because it was obvious she wasn't getting one anytime soon.

She wanted to speak to him but didn't know how to start. She missed Helslip and wondered when she would be able to return back to her hometown. He didn't seem to be making any plans in helping her go back home. Was it a mistake for her to depend on him?

Naomi glanced at him, he seemed absorbed in his work and she didn't want to distract him. She groaned mentally, frustrated with her wandering thoughts. "Naomi are you ok?"

"Yes-yes I'm ok" she managed a little smile bringing her gaze back to the world beyond the glass window

"Why did you groan like that"

She closed her eyes, chuckling awkwardly as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ears "I thought I had done that mentally. I'm sorry"

He hummed softly "Lots on your mind?" He inquired of her, his eyes still skimming through his laptop screen

She turned to him an unknown courage welling up in her chest  "I-I wanted to talk to you"

His brow rose "Hmmm. What do you want to talk to me about?"

"It's ok. You're busy. We can speak another time"

He smiled, reassuringly "I can't be too busy for you my love. Tell me what's the matter?"

She smiled too, ignoring the discomfort that sparked in her chest at being called his love. "I wanted to speak to you about going back home. You hadn't said anything about me going back to Helslip" As soon as the words left her mouth Anthony's smile faded from his face "I miss my hometown and I..."

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